3.7 || I wish i loved you in the 90's

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"Your touch was my survival."

Liah walked into her work with Jace behind her, all the others were looking at the both of them. Claire broke off from what she was doing and walked with her to the back room, nudged her a bit to get her attention. Liah gave her a forced smile and looked over at her, she could see she was happy to see her finally. She gave her an unexpected hug and then pulled away, her necklaces making chiming noises.

"Did you have fun? Tell me about it?" She sat down on a chair and Liah followed, putting her bag by her feet.

"We did. I ended up sleeping over." She saw her eyes widen and saw she was going to say something about it. "Not like that- i didn't sleep with him... i ended up passing out in his bed after crying-"

"Did he make you cry?" Her voice raised a bit and Liah shook her quickly.

"No, we were asking questions about each other, and I ran out of skips." She shrugged and looked down at her hands, picking the skin from around her nails. "He just happened to ask about something I've never told anyone ever. I figured it would be better to tell him one of the things, and he found out the other." Her voice was soft, while she was staring at her poorly groomed hands. Looking over at the red head she gave her a reassuring smile to make her not think the worst.

"Well why don't you talk about it? I'm not going to judge you. I mean maybe if it was illegal, but if not, then you're fine." She joked around trying to lighten the mood. "Was it illegal?"

"No it was not illegal. It should be though so I can stop fucking talking to them." Liah groaned and stood up, putting her hair up and a waist apron on. "Let me talk about it over therapy and I'll try and tell you... hopefully." She shrugged and walked out to the kitchen, and looked at an order.

Leaving Claire in the break room, she tuned out everything except the continuing orders coming in. After putting orders in to-go boxes and putting food in ovens, she continued to take call in orders to keep her busy. Claire looked at Jace and stood by him, watching her write down things on order papers. Jace looked down at her and back at Liah, he sighed and leaned against the corner.

"I'm not telling you anything." He said and crossed his arms, protesting to her.

"Who says I want you to tell me, why she was crying on your date last night? I didn't ask." She shrugged and crinkled her nose, walking to the back room for her lunch break.

"Woah— You made Liah cry last night? What did you do?" Cameron asked, coming out of the employee bathroom drying his hands.

"I didn't make her cry, okay? Stop asking about it, I don't want to talk about it." He says down, hearing one of their new workers talking to Liah, in the kitchen.

"Looks like the trainee is finally here." Claire said and pulled out a plastic container with her food In it.

"Finally? I would love to have the energy I had when I started working here, back again." Jace murmured and went to the kitchen, ending his break.

"You think they did it last night?" Cameron leaned into Claire a bit and was shoved back.

"You're disgusting" She cringed, thinking of her best friend putting out on a first date. Knowing she wouldn't, she kept on eating.


The room was silent, the only thing the both of them could hear was the ticking of the clock on the wall. She looked at Liah from behind her desk and sighed, putting her notepad and pen down. Liah looked at her and sat up straight in the chair, clearing her throat.

"I understand therapy isn't your favourite thing to do, but you've made progress in the last year." She looked at Liah's chart and then back at her.

"You have to say that you're my therapist Stevie." She huffed and looked up from her hands. Her therapist was smiling at her with her hands interwoven with each other.

"Technically no, i don't have to. I would tell you if i thought you weren't getting better, and getting your closure." Stevie stood up and walked to the door.

"Crying to my date was getting closure?" Liah stood up, walking to the door. Her hand rested on the knob and was stopped from opening it.

"You had a date. So yes, you're getting your closure" Moving from the door, Liah opened it walking out. "Start giving yourself the recognition you need."

Liah nodded at her and pulled her lanyard from around her neck, putting her keys in her hand. She walked to her car, once she reached her car door she pressed the button to unlock her car. Opening the door, she got in and automatically started it, when she fully got into it. Her phone was buzzing on the console next to her arm, but she ignored it till she got her AC the way she wanted. she picked her phone up and saw her phone was blew up from Colson, Skylar, and Finneas.

"What the hell?" She muttered and called Finneas back, before any
one else. The phone was ringing as she put in on speaker, and laid it on her lap while she started to drive.

"Liah oh my god, i'm so sorry." Finneas picked up almost immediately, sounding out of breath.

"Why are you sorry Fin?" Furrowing her brows, she checked making sure she didn't pull out in-front of anyone, then pulled out in to the road.

"Billie posted something that you took a few years ago, when you both were together, now her fans are going crazy. You can put your account on private if you don't want to have people commenting on all your shit. i'm trying to get her to delete it- i am so sorry Liah!" While he was talking he barely took any breaths, which made his talking run together. She couldn't comprehend all of what he said and tried to call him down.

"Finneas what are you talking about-" Her phone buzzed again, and she picked it up, when she came to a stop at a light to read it.

(Liahalice): Billieeilish tagged you in a post.

"You got silent. Why are you silent?"

"Let me call you right back." Before he could say anything else, she hung up the phone quickly.

She read the text that was on her home screen and froze in place. Liah rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming, tapping on the screen she saw the message still there. Notifications were flooding her phone from people following her, and comments from Billie's photo. Liah unlocked her phone, going to the post, seeing a photo she took years ago, but with Billie's hand writing on the bottom.

'I Wish I Loved You In The 90's' was written on the polaroid, the caption summing up what and why she posted it.

'Do you really want to go back in time?'

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