4.2 || Ice

860 14 2

"Her voice. Please don't let me
forget her voice."

"You're going to go out there and have a good night. You know why?"

"Cause you told me i am?"

"Exactly." Finneas opened the door, and kissed the top of her head. "It'll be fine. I promise." He gave her a warm smile and gently pushed her out into the hall way.

The door shut before she could anything to him. Liah sighed and tan her hand through her hair not sure to walk around or wait. Patrick and Maggie's voices were heard from down the hall, she started walking to them. The sound of their soft laughs made her feel happy she came; when Billie started to exit her room she followed. When she called out Liah's name she didn't respond, she started to run after her when she started to run down the hall to her parents.

Maggie heard heavy footsteps behind her and saw Daliah coming towards her.

The two had their arms out, and had cheeky smiles. "What are you doing here?" Maggie said into Liah's shoulder as she held onto her.

"I had Finneas get me. Plus my roommate really likes Finneas so it was a win-win for us both."

"He said something about you living nearby." Patrick was the last one she had to see, and he looked happy to see her.

"I wanted to see you guys so much." She let go of Maggie and moved onto Billies dad who was much taller than her.

Billie leaned by another hallway, a few feet down the one all of them were standing in. She watched them all carry on a conversation, not even taking notice she was standing there. A slight vibration was in her hand, her phone screen was lit up; she sighed and turned away answering it.

"Hey you." Billie bit the inside of her cheek as she started up the conversation.

"Your performance looked great, i can't wait to see you in two days." The girls voice was raspy over the phone, but it still wasn't enough for her to fall for.

"Yeah? I can't wait to see Shark and sleep in my own bed. Can i see you the day after I perform? I'll be really tired after the last show, I always am." Billie crossed her arm under the one she was holding the phone with.

"But i made plans for us after your show..." Her voice got sad and pitiful sounding as the background noice from the TV got quieter.

While she was looking down at the white tile floor, she saw a silhouette beside her. "I know and I really appreciate that I just really wanna have that night, plus it's a meet a greet. Please don't be mad." She smiled at Liah and continued with her conversation.

"Whatever... I'll just cancel them." The phone clicked which was followed with a hang up dial tone.

Liah saw how Billie looked and furrowed her brows as she mumbled something under her breath. She only looked like this when she wasn't happy or just all out aggravated. The two leaned against the walls for a bit before Liah pushed off of it. She grabbed Billies wrist and drug her down the way they both came.

Billie followed not saying a word and looked down at her hand, which was slipping. She pulled back a bit till the two firmly held hands, while she was being dragged. She didn't say anything while she found her way to the exit door. The two stood outside while Liah turned around around with Billie's hand still in her's.

"What are we doing outside?" She finally asked and felt the cold on her face.

"I have a plan."

"You? The Liah Alice, has a plan?" Billie looked shocked and watched Liah become proud of herself for being put together.

"Yes sir!" She grabbed her phone from her sweater pocket and checked her messages. "And in about twenty minutes, we're gonna be eating food."

She put her phone away and kept her hand tightly planted in Billies. The ground had snow and ice on the sidewalk, as they walked. Billie just looked at her hand as she walked, knowing it was only so she didn't fall. Liah didn't take notice that she was so firmly holding her hand till at a cross walk sign, where Billie adjusted her sleeves.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She left go of her hand And out her hand in her sweater pocket.

"You're fine I didn't mind. My sleeve was just in an uncomfortable place in between your hand and mine." She got sad when she didn't offer her hand again and just put her hands in her sweatshirt pocket.

"You know she'd kill you if she knew you were with me." She spoke up and looked over at her.

"Skylar would kill you if she knew you were with me, you know that?" She looked back at her and the two gave soft smiles.

"Yeah but your girlfriend is just... she's not someone who you would take a bullet for, y'know? Even I can see that in your eyes." Liah looked back at the sign counting down to when they could walk across.

"No but she's not my choice. That's all my management. How do you know I'm not happy in my relationship, huh?" Billie got a bit defensive out of pity and looked at the black splashes on the snow, from the road.

"I've known you for a long ass time O'Connell. I know everything about you almost." She shrugged and cleared her throat. "Plus it's not hard to tell when someone you loved is in pain. Mentally and physically."

Looking back at her and surprised she mentioned anything about them, she felt at peace that at-least someone  took notice. Beside Drew Zoe And her family no one caught on that her new girl was draining her. Billie got pulled back into full front consciousness when she was jerked forward a bit. Liah was holding out her hand waiting her her to take it to cross the road.

"I won't let you fall, I promise."

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