3.5 || Better Goodbye

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'Time breaks more hearts than love.'

Billie was walking around backstage waiting for the lights to be set and positioned how she needed them and had her headphones in to listen to music. She was lying face down on the small couch in the green room trying to get the conversation she had the day before yesterday, out of her head. She could see how her family looked at her when they knew she was there, and how Liah even ran away from her. Groaning into the couch cushion she pulled the ear buds out of her ears and looked up, her eyes adjusting to the light.

Billie rolled onto her back and put her phone above her face, unlocking it, she opened Instagram and looked at the top of the screen she had a message from her manager. She tapped on the message and saw a lineup listing for an event in Time Square. Billie was excited but from her lack of emotion you wouldn't think so. Exiting out of the message she went back to listening to her music and pulling up a contact she's been staring at for a few hours.

The girl's name was so vacant in BIllie's mind anymore, she couldn't wrap her head around if that was even the number she needed. Taking a chance on nothing she pulled up the messages, the screen had no previous messages on it which made her even more scared. The endless possibilities of the number she had was endless, was it a fan, stranger, someone she just put in there? She had no idea. The first thing she put in the message line was a few words and then she deleted them, with other words she wrote.

"Billie!" Maggie yelled from the other side of the door and then knocked, slowly peeking her head around the door. "Billie, hunny, they're ready for you."

"Tell Finneas or someone to do it." She kept just staring at the screen, typing and then deleting what she just typed.

"Billie it's been two days you have to stop sulking over how your encounter with Daliah went." Crossing her arms, she watched Billie stop her typing and then sit up pulling the headphones from her ears.

" 'Daliah'? When have you ever used her actual first name? And why are you using it?" Her face was pale from her name, making it obvious the thought of the topic made her feel queasy to talk about.

"You broke up with her. You walked away, when she told you she loved you. When she told you she thought she could love you, you stayed because of why?" She raised one of her eyebrows and looked at her daughter who was messing with her hands.

"Because i loved her." She muttered and then glanced up at her mom.

"No cause after she left and then came back, you were in-love with her. Whether it be the thought of her or not. Now I know you're no bitch, so you have two options, okay?" Maggie sat in the seat in-front of Billie and leaned in a bit.

"Okay?" Billie drug the word out, and looked extremely confused by what her options were.

"Your first one is, you can move and eventually get over it, as harsh as it sounds. Or the second one is, you call her, talk to her and work your things out, cause it's obvious you both still love each other." She watched how she laid back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.


"Hello?" She answered and held the phone between her ear and her shoulder, the sound of bags and a door closing benign heard on the other line.

"Hey... it's me." A smile creeped on to her face just hearing her voice.

"Liah?" Billie questioned which to her off guard and almost choked on her water.

"Yeah... hi." She stifled out a small laugh and then stopped realizing she could hear it. "It's out of the blue, but Claire told me to try to attempt to talk to you."

"Claire? Like your girlfriend, Claire?" taking another drink from her metal cup, she was expecting anything but the answer she got.

"No, she's my best friend. If she was, I wouldn't be talking to you." Liah put her phone on speaker and put it in her hand, walking in the front door to the kitchen.

"Oh, well that's good that you have friends where you live."

"Yeah me too." She smiled and put the bags down on the counter and started putting the few groceries she got away in the fridge. "And before you get a big head, I didn't call cause you're famous now." Her voice got soft when she came closer to the phone.


"Let me finish." She cut her off and sighed, putting her head over her phone. She felt her stomach form knots in the pit of it, and she started to stutter. "I'm going to ask once and only say it once... When Skylar isn't home and you're in Seattle would you like to get dinner with me?" She asked, hearing the faint talking of other people in the background and music.

"Yeah of course. I'd love to." Billie answered and looked at the call timer go up and then at her name at the top of her screen. "I have a show there in a month. I'll make sure you're there so when I'm done after the show I can get food with you, I promise."

"Thank you. I have to go, I just thought I would give you a call and ask." She smiled and sat up straight biting her lip in relief. "I'll call you later Billie." She went to grab her phone.

"Wait! Before you go, can i say one thing?" She rushed her words out before she hung up.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"You deserved a better goodbye, and i'm... so sorry.

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