3.9 || Miss Americana

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"And one day your name didn't make me smile anymore."

"And the winner of prom queen is..." The homeroom teacher was chosen this year to address the prom queen and king. He made the whole auditorium anticipate and nervous. "Taylor Rice." he said and then had a teacher pull him aside and whisper something in his ear. "Okay, uhm. Runner up for prom queen is Alice Montgomery!"

"Liah, go on!" Malaria pushed her up from the bleachers and looked back at her. Liah had people staring at her and cheering her on for getting it so easily.

Liah was well known for being the cliché shy nice girl portrayed in almost every movie that was well known. She didn't have a good reason to talk to people, let alone get to know them. Liah walked with her hands by her side and looked where she was going while people moved out of her way to the stage. A small crown was placed upon her head and was handed flowers like another classic cliché.

The teacher had her stand behind him a bit while he called up the prom king, Liah stood on the stage awkwardly and then saw Malarie push through to see her front row. Giving her a big smile and thumbs up by how proud she was of her for just existing. The boy came up on stage looking at her and gave her a big smile, looking at how beautifully she was dressed. Jackie was a future drama major for that school, he was really nice but also really judgy and hard to get along with.

"Ladies and gentleman- Miss Americana!" The name they came up with was controversial to Liah, cause it was gonna be something she wasn't gonna be able to let down for the rest of the year.

She smiled and watched Jackie leave the stage when they both could. Malaria was ready And already at the side and gave her a big hug, hearing her congratulate her best friend. Liah no sooner than when she pulled away from Mal, her hand was tugged and was drug to the middle of the floor. Despite the sexuality differences the winners of prom queen and king still had to have a dance.

"You couldn't have asked me to come?" Liah said and awkwardly put her arms around Jackie's neck.

"The song already started, and I didn't want to awkwardly stand there and wait till you were done talking." His hands were on her waist as the two just basically nervously swayed back and forth to the music.

"Well... my name is Daliah."

"Mine is Jackie. I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends."

"So that's how i met my best friend, it was really stupid but he's really sweet, you'd like him." Liah smiled and took a bite of her food.

"Well he sounds really nice from what you've told me. i'm really glad you have friends like that." Jace put his hand on top of hers and swiftly intertwined their fingers together.

Liah's face turned a soft pink shade when she registered his touch and looked at him. He gave her a soft smile and then continued to eat. Jace took her to a restaurant that she couldn't bring herself to dress that fancy to eat at. She felt out of place and could feel people look at her when they weren't.

"This place is really pretty. You didn't have to bring me her though." Liah pulled her hand away from him and took a sip of her drink.

"I know i can't compete with THE Billie Eilish, still shocked you know her by the way. But it's what i have and i wanted to share it with you, because i remembered you said you've never been here."

"I don't know her... i know who she was. I'm just hoping she's the same." She lied and downed the rest of her drink before she said something about her. "what brought you to Washington?"

"I came to live with my dad, after my mom died. I helped out with things he needed me too and it's been that way for years. i like being near my dad, i always have." He wiped his hands on his napkin and looked at how she got sad when he mentioned his mother.

"I'm sorry for your loss, i had no idea."

"No one does. You're the first one i've told." He gave a quick glance before flagging their waiter down and ordering another drink for the both of them. before she could say anything about his mother he brought up something about her old friends.

"So Malarie? what happened there? you kept saying 'was' and 'were' did something happen?"

"she turned my friend Cass against me cause she had the impression that i knew she liked me." She finished the rest of her drink. "when o told her about something i did with my ex she got mad at me." Liah could feel her chest tighten when she talked about it for the first time in a long time.

"And they just dropped you? like nothing ever happened? that's pathetic." Jace scoffed and made his voice high pitched, like he had the voice of a openly gay guy.

"Ugh i know right tell me about it!" Liah played along and loosened her wrist making her hand fall a bit. "Those fake bitches"

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