4.8 || Core memory of Maine

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"I think that I was supposed to be
somebody else, and I don't know me anymore."

"Hey Finn?" Claudia looked across the table and gave him a soft smile.

"Yeah what's up?" He took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb against her's.

"I have someone coming to meet us, if that as okay?" She put her feet on top of his and lightly repeatedly tapped her feet on his.

"Oh yeah, of course I don't mind at all." He pulled his shoulders back to make his posture better.

"Great! I think you'll really like her."

"I'm sure I will." He took a sip of his water and let her talk, about the plans of her shoot today.

"-Oh wait I have a binder!" Claudia stopped her current sentence and pulled out a black binder out of her bag, and put it on the table.

She had a smile on her face and flipped though the folders till she got to the one she wanted. While she was talking about her outfit ideas, and pulled out the sketches she had. While Finneas and Claudia were looking at the pages, they saw a figure out of the corner of their eyes. The girl had a smile on her face, and her hair covered the tops of her shoulders.

Finneas moved back from leaning over the table, and sat up straight. Claudia moved her bag over and the binder, and the girl slipped in the booth next to her.

"Hey guys! Hows it going." Her voice was soft, which made Finneas' head shoot up and look at the girl.

"No- oh my fucking god!" Finneas raised his voice and got out of the booth.

"Yes-" She got up and threw her arms around his neck. "Claudia wanted me to come, and I really missed you, plus id do anything for Claudia she's so sweet." Liah pulled away and kissed his cheek.

Finneas looked at her and then Claudia. He had a bright smile on his face, and thanked Claudia for inviting her, and having her visit.

"Oh- I'm not visiting. im living with Skylar, and my parents, till we get enough money to get an apartment." Liah looked at Claudia and she put her head on her shoulder, while Liah was talking.

"Holy shit... does Billie-"

"No she doesn't know yet." Claudia answered quickly and shook her head.

"I don't want to talk about her either." Liah pulled her purse strap, off her shoulder and moved it beside her. "So... you and Claudia, are engaged?"

Finneas choked on his water and started coughing, while water streamed down his chin. He looked at Claudia and then Liah, having a confused look on his face.

"I thought we weren't gonna tell anyone!" He yelled in a whisper, and carefully took a sip of his drink.

"We aren't... but I figured you'd wanna tell Liah, before anyone else. Being the fact you two are basically siblings." She showed Liah the ring he gave her and the audible gasp that she let out, drew the attention on the people next to them.

Finneas was getting off the escalator, coming to baggage claim, and saw a girl with dark red hair sitting in the chairs. When she looked over at either of the escalators, she saw the person she needed to see. He threw down his duffle bag next to him and prepared himself for impact.

Liah jumped onto him, almost sobbing cause she was happy to see him. She held onto him tightly, and mumbled 'I missed you' into his shoulder. When he finally let her go, he finally saw his best friend after almost a year, right in front of him.

"I missed you too. I wish I could stay kinder than a week." He pulled her on for another hug, but had his arms wrapped around her neck.

"It's okay! Im just glad to see you again. I needed to see someone that I actually wanna hang out with. No offence to my friends."

He smiled and kissed the top of her head, which made her look up at him. She giggled and pulled away from him, so he could grab his bag.

"Does anyone know you went to Maine that week?" Claudia asked, after Finneas brought up a core memory, both of them remember, and kept in a special place in their minds.

"I mean... I don't think so? If anyone did, no one ever brought it up." He shrugged and rested his arms on the table.

"I never told anyone. I posted it on my account but I think everyone thought it was an old photo or something." Liah took a fork full of the fruit she ordered and looked at Claudia.

"Now it's your turn to not mention it."

"I would never." She smiled and raised her hands up like she was surrendering. "You guys' secret is safe with me."

The three all laughed and ate what food they wanted, before they got full. When they all were done. They still had some time to kill before they had to be at the studio, so they talked about the engagement. Small and cozy was how Claudia put it, only with friends and family, and of course the pets. She had it all planned out.

"Do you wanna get married Liah?" She said and sipped her drink from the almost empty, watered down drink.

"Erm... yeah actually, I do. But I want it to be when no one expects it y'know? Like you'll be living your life and then, BAM! Engagement... like yours and Finns."

"I think you'd be a good wife. You're a good person, who ever would marry you, would be lucky." Finneas smiled and singed the check, the waitress put down when either of them weren't looking.

I love you. || RewritingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora