1.0|| Last of her kind.

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"Hey mom? I need your help." Billie sat at the table and looked across to her mom.

"Sure. whats up?" She looked up from her cookbook and took her eyes from the pages and at her daughter.

"I uh... i don't think Liah wants to be in LA. i honestly think that there's nothing here for her anymore." She looked at the table messing with the centerpiece with her hands hating the thought of her wanting to go back to Maine.

"Why would you say that?" Maggie crossed her arms and leaned back in the seat giving her a confused look.

"Cause... she posts about missing Maine, she even said that she thought nothing was here for her anymore." Billie pouted and put her head down on the table and crossed her legs and swinging them back and forth.

"I think you have to understand that she was sixteen last time you physically saw her. She's twenty soon? She's a lot more grown up now." She gave her a small smile to reassure her hopefully.

"I know. I just really don't want her to leave, cause i just got her back here y'know?" Whining she lifted her head up and looked over at her mom.

"I know. Liah's mom invited us to her birthday dinner, why don't you talk to her then." She stated and got up going to the kitchen, mentally feeling Billie roll her eyes.

"I don't think seeing her is the best idea." Billie raised her voice a bit so her mom could hear her and put her head on her arms just staring out at nothing.

"Why not?" Maggie grabbed a drink from the fridge and looked at her from the corner. "What did you do, Billie." She stood in the doorway to the kitchen and looked at her, looking so pitiful sitting there.

"What? Nothing!- she was at this 18+ bar thing Lena and i go to all the time, and her and this girl were really touchy. I just don't want to get in the way if she has someone." Her voice muffled and raked her hands through the back of her hair.

"Does that bother you?" Maggie asked and sat next to Billie rubbing her back trying to talk to her, like she hasn't done in a while.

"No... yes? I don't know it's confusing." She sat up and turned her body to face her mom, putting her feet on the cair hugging her knees.

"I don't know if you remember but even before you and Liah, were friends you'd always talk about her when you came home from school. I remember the day you came home all happy cause she talked to you... someone like that you can't let get away." She looked at Billie seeing pure admiration in her eyes, and shock that she could remember that.

Billie looked at her mom going over what had happened when she met Liah, forgetting them till now. Her head was filled quickly with hundreds of memories of her and Liah, from her just scared to talk to her. Billie rubbed her face and shook her head a bit; hair getting in her face. She took the hair that was in her face and tucked it behind her ear and looked at her hands.

"She's the last of her kind. There's no one like her, I don't think." She sighed and looked at her mom. "Thank you..."

"I didn't do anything. I just listened and gave you motherly advice." She smiled and hugged Billie. "Go do what you think you have to do." She watched Billie stand up and go on her phone.

Billie jogged up the stairs and into her room dialing a person she hasn't really spoken too since Lena came into her life. Her finger hovered over the call button, feeling her nerves set in and her hands become shaky. Taking a deep breathe in and then out she forced herself to push it and put it down on her night stand. She sat on her bed letting the phone ring, and then hearing sighing come before her name.

"Billie?" He said as a question and she could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"I know. I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but i need your help." She said looking at her hands that were sweaty and shaking.

"What do you want? You can't just call me out of the blue and expect me to do favors for you, that's not how i work-" He got cut off cause she knew he would ramble trying to make her feel bad and hang up on her eventually.

"It's about Liah." That's all she had to say for him to go quiet and focus on what she said.

"What about her?" He asked and by the sound of what he did, she took it as he threw his phone on the couch, bed or something.

"I need you to get her alone on her birthday. I wanna do something for her. I know it sounds bad but that's the only way I can think of." She wiped her hands on her sweatpants and looked at the contact name which was just his number.

"Oh hell no. you can't ruin her birthday with you and your girlfriend okay? You can't do that to her, you've done enough." He scoffed and put his phone by his mouth making it louder on her end, which made her flinch.

"I'm not gonna bring Lena, I promise. Can you please do this for me atleast? You don't have to ever do anything for me ever again." She made her voice softer so it would be less obvious it was cracking.

"Who ever said I would do this for you." He countered and both lines went silent. He thought about it for a second and broke the silence by sighing heavily. "If i do this do you promise to do something for me in return?"

"Yes! i just really need to talk to her about something important. I promise to do whatever you need me to do okay?" She raised her voice slightly, still wiping her hands on her pants.

"Fine... i'll send you the address of the place they're going. Don't fuck it up." he hung up on her with that statement and she looked at her phone smiling a bit.

Unknown sender: *sent 1 attachment*

Unknown sender: "they're going at seven okay? I'm going with her cause she invited me, so i'll see you there.i'm serious... don't fuck it up Billie."

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