1.7 || I'll stay with you.

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Liah sat up from her bed taking her hand through her hair,and rubbed her face with her hands. She looked at the time on her phone seeing it just turned 2AM, not that it mattered cause her sleep schedule was messed up anyways. She fully opened up her phone calling the only person she knew would even remotely be awake. Propping her phone up on her end frame of her bed, seeing her face pop up after a few seconds of ringing.

"Liah, it's two in the morning, what are you doing awake? Skylar turned on her bedside table lamp and looked at her through her cracked screen.

"I can't sleep. I should have gone to bed hours ago, instead I'm staring at my ceiling." She groaned and watched her get out of her bed and up the basement stairs that led to the living room.

"How long have you been home?" Skylar carefully and quietly maneuvered herself around her parents house to the kitchen to get food.

it's been three days.

"monday was my first day. I don't think they'll let me forget about it either." Liah let out a small and quiet laugh which was good for her. Laughing was good to hear on skylars end cause then she knew she was okay.

Skylar nodded and got what she wanted and went back to her room, the sound of her door opening and then closing. She always wore headphones when she called people, so she was always cursing at the strings getting caught on things. Cursing at herself she struggled to get untangled and then gave a sigh of relief. Liah sat on her end smiling listening to her and got up sitting at her desk looking out the window.

"You should really try and get some sleep babe, you need it." Her voice switched from normal to her caring monotone voice.

"I know. I just- can you stay with me for a bit?" Liah propped her phone up on the button of her lamp, and laid down, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Yes I can, I'd be happy actually." Her end of the screen was dark but Liah could make out her face and her smile when she did smile.

"I'm not keeping you up though right? Y'know, with your work and everything."

"No, I have tomorrow off, and I was hoping now that you're home and safe, if you'd wanna come somewhere with me. Or we can just do whatever you wanna do, I'll even suffer through a bookstore with you!" She laughed and saw Liah look up from her hands and focus on the screen to her. She was happy she wasn't doing her nervous movements when she gets overwhelmed. Liah nodded agreeing to her and went on saying how she missed hanging out with her.

Less than two months into their friendship, Skylar noticed everything Liah does to herself when she's even remotely upset. She looks at her hands when she's upset or thinking, picks at the skin around her nails when tired or anxious and stutters when she is mad, sad or flustered. The small amount of time she knew her it took no effort to learn these things, but it took months for Billie to grasp them.

"Do you normally have insomnia like this?" Skylar asked again, taking her mind farther from where it was currently.

"Not always, just sometimes. I feel really bad though. I did something and i think it's gonna end badly."

"Why do you say that? Who would get hurt?" She looked down, her face being visible in the light that was illuminating it.

"I told Billie I think I could love her. After that i got my stuff and left while she was in the backyard with her dog... i think I hurt her more than i intended too." She pouted and started to murmur her words together.

"Hey liah?"

"Yeah?" she looked at her finally lit up face on her screen.

"Open your window." She hung up and a faint knock was heard from her window in front of her bed.

Liah quickly got up and quickly looked out the window making sure she wasn't messing with her. Seeing her standing almost inside a bush, she unlocked it and opened the door throwing her arms around her neck. Taking her by surprise it took Skylar a split second to realize what was happening, she hugged her back tightly. Liah almost crying in her arms from seeing someone that didn't ask her about her and Malarie's fight.

Skylar pulled away from her and then cupped her face in her hands.  Giving her a 'I missed you' speech. To Liah it told her that Skylar cared about her. She was really grateful for that

"I told you I would stay with you, right? Well here I am." She smiled and walked inside with a small bag on her bag that had a jacket peeking out of it.

"Yeah but I wasn't expecting you to come here, it's two am Sky. You should be home-." Liah closed the door after she got inside and whispered to her.

"I can go home if you don't want me here, i just thought you could use someone to talk to. I also live down the street- " Skylar took the bag off her back and handed her a bottle that has a golden colour liquid in it. "Plus you look like you could use a drinking buddy."

"I don't drink much... " She led her to her bed and looked at the bottle.

"I don't either, I promise I'm not an alcoholic. I used to drink with Colson when something shitty happened to either of us, but he got a partner so i haven't in a while. I'm right there with you babe. You don't have to... okay? remember that." She took it from her and placed it in her bag, and laid down on her bed.

Liah laid next to her and watched as her chest lifted and deflated as she breathed, neither of them talking just enjoying the company of another human. Skylar looked over at Liah and rested her forehead on her's and watched as she smiled. Her eyes had glimmers in them but were also filled with something heavier. Like at the bar they were at. The two didn't talk, but enjoyed the company on eachother and the sounds of them breathing, which both missed hearing.

"I'll stay with you till you don't need me too."

"Good cause i don't really fall asleep with anyone else right now."

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