3.8 || He Had Flowers

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"She has magic in her eyes. Even the stars envied."

"So tell me something Billie." The interviewer said and watched her take a sip of water.

"What is it?" She watched him pull out his phone.

"You posted a photo of you when you had black hair, but it was a polaroid with handwriting on it. Fans also noticed that you tagged a girl as her profile states 'Montgomery' is she a photographer of yours?" He looked at the photo and then went through liah's account.

"Uhm... she did photography for fun. back a few years ago. I asked before i posted it cause she hates the spotlight that i would have put on her." She lied and looked at him, grabbing her phone she texted finneas to tell a liah to private her account for a bit, and looked back at him. "We kinda grew up together like Zoe, Drew and i did."

"Well she's like nice. She single?" He let out a small chuckle and so did billie but hers was from being uncomfortable with that question.

"That's really none of my business man." Billie glared across from him and then he changed the subject to her music.

Billie answered all the questions she was asked, a few were things she's never been asked before so it would take longer. All Billie could think of was of Liah really wasn't single, maybe she's in a relationship and happy. She got up from the seat when the microphones were muted and shook his hand, then left the building with finneas and her parents by her side. The thought of liah being with someone made her happy but also made her chest tight, scared she made a mistake to let her go.

"Liah said she doesn't mind the attention so far. she hasn't been on her account much since your post." Finneas said and showed her the texts to make her feel better about it.

"Finneas they're ass holes sometimes, they're gonna pick her apart like they do all the time with other people." She ran her hand through her hair and sighed at herself.

"You said you asked so i don't know why you're-"

"I didn't ask. I found it and i posted it and tagged her. After we talked i just... i don't know. I can't date her again, and i know that's what she's hoping for." She stopped walking and looked at the three of them.

"Billie, she doesn't know does she?" Maggie said and looked at her daughter, and saw the look in her face.

"What did you want me to say? I saw her at the school thing and she looked like she hated me. What did you want me to say!"

"She loves you, and you're kinda leading her on." Her dad spoke up and Billie looked at him.


"Awe look at my baby bird fly the nest. going on a date with Jace again?" Skylar said and looked at her dress.

"Yeah, i won't cry this time, and the first time we just hung out..." Liah looked at herself in her mirror and flattened a pause of her hair in her chest, nervous it wasn't straight enough the first few times she did so.

"Are you sure this is what you want? you're seeing Billie on the day she's coming here. i don't think you're ready to do that so soon Liah." She watched her fix her lip glow around her lips and then look at herself again.

"Nothing will happen. What's the worst that could happen, her have a girlfriend? I don't care about what she does, i don't even look at her shit anymore." Liah looked at Skylar and both smiled at each other.

"You look nice Montgomery." Skylar tightened one of her straps after turning her around and checking.

"The sleeves on this one always gets loose... you want a safety pin to pin em' together?" She asked softly, and watched her nod her head and moved out of the way.

Skylar went to her room and got under her bed getting a sewing box, pulling out a pin. She pushed it back under her bed and pushed herself up, going back. She pinned the two small straps together and moved her hair down to hide it. Liah smiled and thanked her hearing a knock at the door.

"That's him. please don't scare him." Liah walked to the apartment door, and turned back to Skylar. "Do i look okay?"

"Do you look okay? you look hot." She laughed at herself and turned her back around. "go on your date!"

Liah straightened out her dress one more time and opened the door. Jace had flowers in his hand and smiled when he saw her. Her dress had a corset too and the bottom flared out into a skirt that came to her mid-thigh. The whole outfit was out of her comfort zone other than her black and white converse.

"You look really beautiful." He said and handed her the flowers he had.

"Thank you." Liah sniffed them and smiled at how sweet they smelled. "You look handsome yourself. Oh- this is my best friend Skylar." She moved out of the way and went to put the flowers in a vase.

"I'm Jace, i work with Liah." He stuck his hand out to shake it and she did the same.

"It's nice to meet you. i come into pick her up sometimes so i'm sure i've seen you before i just don't remember." Sky shook his hand and gave him a soft smile.

"i see you come in all the time! i just thought you were her sister or her person or something." He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck.

"No, i'm her roommate and best friend." She stopped Liah's cat from running out the door.

"okay uhm... i'm ready." She petted the cats head and kissed the top of the cats head and walked out with him.

"your roommates really sweet."

"she's a pain in the ass."

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