4.7 || Claudia Sulweski

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"Hey." the voice over the phone was far away but also easy to hear, for her.

"Hey... are you okay? you've been really distant for the last two weeks. I haven't heard anything from you." The girls voice became shaky with nerves.

"Yeah, i'm fine. I think we should talk though... about us?" Her voice got closer to the phone which made it clear that she didn't already like this conversation.

"what?" When the last two words creeped out of her mouth her heart sank, and she sat down on the edge of the couch.

"I think, we need to end the contract, and it would be best if you understood I don't feel the same way about you. I like someone else and I always have... it wasn't a choice I had. im sorry but were done." The phone call disconnected on her end, and she looked at the brunette next to her.

Claudia handed Billie her phone back, with a satisfied smile on her face. She took her phone back and turned it off, throwing it to the side. When Claudia and Billie found out they sounded the same over the phone, was through Finneas. Even though he'd been dating her for years, he never knew it till a year ago; he actually found it weird and cool at the same time.

"I owe you my life Claudia. Thank you so much for doing that for me." Billie laid her he'd on her shoulder and hugged her waist.

"It's not a problem. If i'm gonna be honest? I didn't really like her, so this was a bonus for me." Wrapping her arms around Billie, she pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you for being here, through all my shit."

"You're like my sister. I'll be there for you through every thing. And I mean everything Bils." she squeezed her slightly and both let out a small laugh. "Now... do you want to go out to get food? breaking up with your girlfriend was hard work." The two pulled away from each other, and smiled.

"I'd love to get food." Billie smiled wide and got off the bed."


After Claudia and Billie got food, they went to Billie's parents house. She stayed and talked to Maggie and Patrick for a while, but had to leave and get ready for a shoot she had in the morning. She hugged and kissed Billie on the cheek, and closed the front door, then got into her car. She left it running so all she did was back out of the drive way and drive off. She tuned her phones bluetooth to her car, and started playing her music, as she approached a stop sign. Just as she approached the last stop before she left the neighbourhood, she saw a girl that looked familiar to her.

Rolling down her window, she shouted the girls name with question. The girl stopped walking and turned around hesitantly, and looked at the girl, with a nervous smile. She stuffed her hands in her cardigan's pockets and approached Claudias car.


"Claudia..." Liah looked scared out of her mind, thinking she was going to make a big deal about her being in town.

"What are you doing home? I thought you were in Washington?" Claudia unlocked the door, and motioned for her to get in, so she could take her home.

"I was." Getting in the warm car she looked over at her. "Don't tell her I'm back. I don't even know if I'm gonna be here for more than I have to be."

"I won't... but why are you back?" Claudia turned the car around and drove back to the street Billie lived on.

"I thought, for a split moment, maybe it would be good for me to come back. I mean I even brought Skylar back with me. I think after I aw Billie again in Washington, when she played her show... I missed her?" Liah looked at her jeans and messed with the threads hanging from the holes in them.

"But what about your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend... he got defensive and Billie got upset with me over it. She got frustrated and upset."

"She's technically single now. Like... as of today. I just got back from her house." She looked over at her and gave her a soft smile.

"I don't know that... actually... can you drop me off at the park down the block? im meeting someone." She looked at her phone and moved her fingers, to text someone.

"Yeah of course." Claudia changed the subject, knowing she didn't want to talk about billie any longer, and moved it to something more interesting. "Would you wanna do a modelling shoot with me?"

"Modelling? beside you?" Liah scoffed and pulled at her shirt. "I'd look like shit standing next to you. What are you even modelling for?" Looking over at the brunette, she heard her start to giggle.

"As you know. I am a YouTube, so by demand, i'm realising merch. I have Finneas and one other friend of mine doing it. I want you to do it with us. It'll be fun and it pays well." She turned the corner and then turned again, to go into the park.

"Finneas is gonna be there?" Desperately missing someone she loved so dearly, and hearing he was going to be there made her feel so much better and secure.

"Yeah! He would love to see you again, and I know you miss him. I hear him talking to you all the time over the phone." The smile she gave Daliah, made her feel safe and secure about the quick choice she made.

"Okay... when is it?" Liah pulled up her calendar and waited for her response.

"it's tomorrow at 1PM. Finn is taking me out for lunch and id love to have you there as well. Just wear your normal clothes and you'll be set."

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