Chapter 18 - Hosts of the Castle

Start from the beginning

"There used to be a ton of parties there," Evan argues. "Like formal balls and themed events. I'm sure if you find a history book at the library, you can see pictures of flapper girls in the castle during the roaring twenties. One of the Alpha Kings can be seen in the pictures."

I cross my arms over my chest, "So why'd they stop having parties?"

"They just died out," Ashley answers. If there's one person I can trust in this class, it's Ashley. I stare at her a few seconds until she answers me honestly. "They aren't lying. Our graduating class has been trying to make a proposal to present to the Alpha, so he'll throw a big party. But I mean...maybe you can convince him."

Evan wiggles his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes, turning to the board. I'll keep their request in the back of my head but for now, tactics. "Let's analyze the war plans you were all supposed to read for homework."

After class, everyone says their goodbyes to me. I'm excited to pack my things and head over to Matthew's house. The usual nervousness is now replaced with glee. The thought of having him near me makes me more excited than anxious now. Usually, I would head for his class, but luckily today isn't one of his teaching days.

I practically skip my way to the castle. The guards smiling at me as soon as they see me. Funnily enough, I've gotten to know them. I wave at Joel, one of the warriors on guard. "Hi Joel," I say with a smile. "How's your mate doing? Is the pregnancy hard on her?"

He kindly smiles, "She's better. The pack doctor gave us some herbs that should alleviate her nausea. This pup better be cute or she's never going to want another one."

I chuckle softly along with him before I walk into the house. It feels like my home at this point which is super weird and totally incorrect. But Matthew even gave me a key so I can come in whenever I want. Not that he ever locks the doors anyways. He has an open-door policy with his house which is probably why he always has it guarded.

I walk up the stairs towards his office. Knocking on the door and opening it hesitantly. Matthew is sitting behind his desk, plucking a few chords of his electric guitar while Sage is updating him on some Alpha news.

"Hey," I say shyly. Matthew's face instantly snapping up to me with a smile. "I can wait downstairs if you guys are busy."

A low growl of disapproval rumbles in his chest. He sets his guitar down to the side, "You better come in here."

Sage rolls her eyes in a friendly manner at Matthew's reaction. I slide into the room, closing the door behind me and making my way to the sofa in the corner. "As I was saying," Sage smirks. "We've got news about Rebellion movements in the south."

Sage keeps informing Matthew, but his eyes are completely focused on me. Intense and unmoving as always. "Mia," Matthew breathes in deeply. I look up at him from one of the bookshelves I was glancing at.

He cocks his head to the side, asking me to move closer to him. I walk over and as soon as I'm within arm's reach he pulls me into his body. Sitting me on his lap, arms squeezing me closely. He uses his spare hand to grip my chin and pull my lips down to his. I can't help reciprocating the affection, kissing him slowly until we're both satisfied with the tingles of electricity that ring through our bodies.

I want to say that I'm embarrassed showcasing public affection in front of Sage. But I'm totally not. Knowing Matthew is comfortable and almost excited for PDA is not only heartwarming but a total turn-on. It makes me feel like he's not ashamed of me or afraid of what others might think.

"I can see you're both close," Sage chokes a laugh. "Shall I leave you two to your sexual desires?"

Matthew's eyes are still trained on my face. Without even a beat or hesitation he says, "Yes."

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