Her proxy

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(How Sumire got one of her 5 proxies)

(Sumire's POV)
I was walking in the woods in my real form when one of my sashes touched something very cold. Looking down, I saw a girl. She looked to be about my age with pale skin, dark brown eyes, short light blonde hair, and she wore a torn and blood stained blue dress, torn black sheer stockings, and matching dirty black heels. She lied on her side, bleeding from the head and left side. I frowned, knowing how dying felt like. Placing both of my hands on her head and torso, I started using flower breathing, 6th form: Petals of resurrection as Sakura petals fell from my lips. Please let this work...

(Mika's POV)
Everything hurts.. why did I follow them in the woods just so they could kill me? I was slowly dying but then.. I felt the warmth of an Angel.. I slowly looked up and saw her. She had long fair skin with flower marks, snowy white hair with green pastel tips tied into a ponytail along with a few hairpins, a magenta and black floral corset top, a black skirt, same color stockings that showed the heel and the front of the feet, sandals, and sashes that were magenta colored with white flowers, and golden 'x's. She was so beautiful..

She smiled softly at me and helped me up, her lime green eyes shining at me. "What's your name?" She asked. "Mika." I replied. She looked at me and took me to what seemed to be her room. She pulled out a tattoo marker from her pocket. "Do you want to be my proxy?" She asked. "Yes." I said as I did not want to refuse this beautiful girl. She uncapped it, and did a flower with a x on the corner of my neck. Minutes later, I became her proxy. "Your proxy name will be... Ivy." She said, gesturing to my own sashes which were an Ivy green color. "I love it, Ma'am." I said, my eyes glowing a darker shade of pink. This would be.. interesting, to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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