Protecting fragile flowers

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(Rubix And Mal Ship children oneshot)

(Sumire's POV)
As I was playing with my Cousin, Heather Amira Fisher, I heard the sound of a twig snap. I immediately turned around to notice one of the Joker's goons staring at us with a knife in hand. I slowly stood up and using my Mother's Powers, i attempted to Restrain him but.. he cut the vines and he tackled me as he raised the knife and I Screamed as loudly as I could. "HELP!" I screamed as I closed my eyes tightly.. Heather was Screaming for her fathers as I heard her.

(Mono's POV)
I was with Sal until I heard Heather screaming. "HEATHER!? HANG ON, WE'RE COMING!" Sal shouted as Six and Ruby heard their daughter screaming. We ran to the sight and We. Saw. Red. My precious niece was underneath a joker goon with a knife while Heather was shaking like a leaf. I growled as Heather Ran to me, crying. "Daddy! Sumire's gonna end up like aunt Sally if we don't get him off her!" She said. We told them about Sally's past and what happened to her. I patted her Blue hair as her smoky eyes were glistening with tears. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. I'll get him off her." Said six as she was furious.

Then, To our Amazement, Sumire turned into a clown, similar to Six and Pennywise and she kicked him off her and Bolted to Ruby, Crying and trembling. No-one was allowed to hurt our little flowers and get away with it! Then.. Six proceeded to kill the guy and after she was done, she held Sumire in her arms. "Shh.. it's ok little Violet. No one's gonna get you." Sumire looked up at us with her Hazel brown eyes. "P-promise?" She asked. "We promise, our little flowers." Ruby replied as she smiled and fell asleep. She reminded us of sally when she was a child. That day, we swore to protect our fragile flowers. After all..

Yøu døn't Get away with hurting øur łittłe fłøwers.

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