A Black's love

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(How Sirius confessed to Selena (Revenge) during their days at Hogwarts!)

(Sirius's POV)
It was a rainy morning and I was looking at beautiful Selena. Merlin, wasn't she a vision? Rich brown hair that reached down her back reminding me of riches buried under the earth, dark blue-green eyes that reminded me of aurora borealis, fair skin as white as the snow, and her robes were a shade of dark blue while her skirt was a bronze color with a matching dark blue line. She was in Ravenclaw while I was in Gryffindor. "Pads, your staring at her again." Said Prongs as he noticed my gaze fixed onto her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but one of the Ravenclaws made her laugh as it sounded like bells..

"Just bloody tell her mate! Just walk up to her and tell her!" He added, before going back to flirt with Evans. I thought about what he said and decided to tell Selena Goldeneye how I felt about her. I waited until we had about 20 minutes to get to class and went to the center of the hall where the Ravenclaw table was. I couldn't believe I was about to do this.. here goes.

(Selena's POV)
I was talking to my sister who had came out of the Slytherin table to talk to me. My house, Ravenclaw and her house, Slytherin knew that we were related along with our cousin, Beatrice Silverado who was also in Ravenclaw. She said a Joke about deers and I laughed. Just then.. I heard someone clear their throat. "Can I have your attention, everyone?" Asked Sirius Black as my cheeks started burning at the leather-clad boy. Good gods, he was perfection even in the mornings.. I'll admit I was quite jealous of the girls he dated but I paid attention to him.

All conversations stopped as they looked at Black. "As some of you were aware, I have been dating multiple girls. But.. there was one girl that has won my heart. She is in Ravenclaw, as her eyes remind me of aurora borealis. She is very kind and beautiful as she won me over." He then looked over in my direction. "Selena Rose Goldeneye, would you come here?" I floated over to him, using a levitation spell to lift myself up into the air and to Sirius. "Heir Black, what is it you wish to speak to me about?" I asked, in the most polite voice I could  muster when it took all my self-control not to melt into a puddle of french vanilla ice cream.

"Selena.. you enchant me." He said before grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, making our noses touch. "You enchant me even when your not around." He then twirled me around him, making me do a soft gasp. "I.. I'm in love with you, Selena." He added before stopping, allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too, Sirius.. it hurt me to see you dating all those girls.. but.. now I know the truth.. I now know you always wanted me." I confessed, kissing him deeply as he kissed back. Both of our houses screamed like fangirls.

"Bloody finally!" Shouted Slenderman as he picked up his wand as Princess Miyu lifted hers to create flower petals of our houses's colors. Red, gold, blue, and bronze rose petals appeared out of their wands as they scattered around us, the Black and the Goldeneye lovers. "Plus, she can keep Sirius in line for us!" chirped Stella. We pulled away from the kiss as our foreheads touched. "After this war between You-know-who ends, we will get married." I shivered in delight, thinking of having adorable little children with him.. we kissed again before we had to leave for classes, but he assured me we would go on our very first date tonight. Gods, thank you for bringing this man into my life.

Little Nightmares oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora