The reunion of two lovers

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(A Minape Oneshot!)

(Miyu's POV)
I was reading in wizard heaven while my adorable adopted daughter, Callie played with her big sister, Michiko Lila Snape. Michi looked like my husband while having my purple eyes and a combination of our personalities. Her white dress with a golden leaf pattern on the bodice of the dress shined even in the dark as a white halo was on the top of her head.

She was a very beautiful and sweet girl when she arrived, the marauders's jaws dropped! I couldn't blame them. How were they supposed to react when a beautiful girl shows up along with her mother who was a former high priestess of darkness? Michiko represented love and light in life.. when she died, she still represents that light. She also had a necklace with a rose quartz heart and diamond vines wrapped around it.

"Hey, Prongs! Snape just died, a snake ate him or something." Said Sirius Black as I did a soft gasp. That was my husband's name! "My time has come." I heard him say as I went over to a nearby cloud, watching this go down. I watched as they told him that they didn't exist and Lily, my dearest friend, was his. I was obviously upset since I told Lily I was married to him.

He looked around, Ignoring lily as his gaze settled on me. "Miyu!" He said, running towards me as I stood up. He hugged me so tight as he ran his fingers through my long dark purple and black hair.

(Snape's POV)
After I had died from Nagini, I was standing on a cloud before I heard two familiar voices. "Greeting sniv- Severus Snape this is god." I knew it was James since I had gotten married to my beautiful evening. "Beyond these gates, lies your one true love." Said Sirius as they continued. "Lily is yours here, your mortal Enemy doesn't exist." I was carried away into the gates as I stepped off the cloud, looking around and ignoring Lily as my gaze settled on my wife.

"Miyu!" I said, running towards her as she stood up. I hugged her as I ran my fingers through her long dark purple and black hair. She giggled and I could feel her smile on my neck.

"I can't believe that we were fated to be together after all this time.. this must be why I never had another woman on earth.. I just want to kiss you." She pulled away, to stare into my black eyes. "Then.. What's stopping you for wanting to fulfill your heart's desire, my half-blood prince?~" she asked, her voice turning low yet seductive. I smiled at her, looking deep into her eyes that were an amethyst purple with a ring of lavender close to the pupil and a gray on the outer edge, seeing nothing but love for me.

"Nothing, my beautiful and alluring high priestess~" I replied, tilting her head to the side feeling the softness of her face which was oval in shape, with a cute little nose ending with an button tip, and soft lips that were painted a shiny dark purple with silver stars. I kissed her, wrapping my arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around my neck. We ignored the shocked sounds of the Marauders as we continued to kiss.

We pulled away for air as we leaned our foreheads together, missing each other. "Oh darling, you don't even know what you do to me after all this time." She smiled. "Of course, my love. I'll always do everything to you." She pecked my cheek as I watched our daughters scold them for attempting to pull that prank on us. "You didn't believe them, did you?" She shook her head side to side. "No, I didn't. Plus, you married me so we could be together forever." She replied.

"Did.. did we just get our arses chewed out by a little girl and an Angel of light.." asked James as Miyu laughed. "This is revenge for bullying my husband when we were students!" She said, with a devilish grin. Callie hugged my leg while Michi went to a nearby cloud to rest. Her wings were white with tips of gold. She covered herself with her left wing while she dozed off.

Callie was fuming and doing that adorable pout of hers. Miyu was patting her head while she glared at them. I think I'll be fine in wizard heaven.

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