The idol and her bully

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(Rubix Oneshot)

(Ruby's POV)
I was opening my locker when a bunch of love letters spilled out. I sighed, annoyed. This always happened. Just then, I heard laughter and spun my head around as I spotted Six, One of my bullies. "Need a hand, Yellow Rose?" She asked me. Yellow Rose was my stage name since I always wore a yellow Rose hair clip in my hair when I sang. "Sure, you can help by getting all these love letters out of my way." I said to her, folding my arms across my chest which was covered by the White dress as lace sleeves caressed my arms and a yellow ribbon with Rose patterns hugged my waist I wore that day. I smiled as she got rid of the letters. "Thanks six!" I said smiling.

(Six's POV)
I was walking with mono until I saw my Beautiful gemstone at her locker. I laughed a little at the letters that spilled out of the locker as her head spun around to face me.

"Need a hand, Yellow rose?" I asked her as she looked at me. "Sure, you can help by getting all these love letters out of my way." She said to me, folding her arms across her chest, Actuating her breasts. Once I got rid of those letters, she smiled at me. "Thanks six!" She said smiling as she got her Spanish books out of her locker and closed it. "Why were those things in there?" I asked her as a sigh escaped her. "It's this guy, named Travis Phelps. He's always trying to get with me and he won't leave me and my brother alone, no matter how many times I tell him to leave me alone!"

I growled at this and nodded at mono in a "let's deal with this guy for messing with our crushes." Way. He understood and I escorted Ruby to her Spanish class. I was angry that my gemstone and Mono's cyan-haired Angel were treated like this.. Luckily, we managed to find this guy and beat his ass. After Ruby got out of her class, I walked up to her, grabbed her by the hand, and took her to the rooftop. She tilted her head sideways and was confused.

I then kissed her and she looked shocked but kissed back. We pulled away shortly after, breathing heavily.  "Ruby.. I like you. Ever since you sang on that stage about who you like, I wanted to know if what you said about me was true." I said as she blushed. "Yes. Everything in that song I sang was true and about you, Six. Ever since you saved my life from being attacked, I.. wanted to thank you since I had a crush on you when I was 12 years old." She said with a small nod of the head, causing her blonde hair to go up and down.

She had a crush on me for that long?! "Ruby, you Baka, come here." I told her as she came close to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her deeply. She kissed back as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

We pulled away again, our foreheads touching. "I love you, Ruby."

"I love you too, Six!" We then heard a camera click. "I knew it, my sister got a girlfriend!" Said Sal as he had a camera in one hand and mono in his arm. "I'm gonna kill you guys later." She said as Sal laughed. "You couldn't kill me even if you wanted to." She stuck out her tongue as we kissed again. Now, everything was perfect.

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