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Abigail had been in different clothes when she had awoken from her painful slumber and she knew that it was either one of the three women outside the bathroom door that had changed her, or all of them together. And now they were silently waiting for her to get back out of the bathroom, showered and changed. But Abigail needed a moment.

She hadn't seen herself in a mirror yet, somehow they had taken them all out of her view but she wanted to see herself, to know what she looked like.

"Are you okay?" Alice's angelic voice calls out and Abigail's grip on the sink tightens at the sudden sound, cracking it instantly. She lets go and parts fall on the ground.

"Abigail?" Rosalie's voice sounded urgent and Abigail didn't know what to do. She quickly walks over to the door and unlocks it.

"I'm really sorry," she begins and motions to the mess. "I don't..  I'm not sure.."

"It's okay." Esme says with a kind smile and Abigail looks at her. Esme's heart almost cracked right then and there at the face of the young girl, thrown into a world that she didn't comprehend. "You're not the first to break something and you certainly won't be the last." Rosalie chuckles at the statement and Alice closes the door behind Abigail so she didn't have to see it anymore.

"We have a mirror-.."

"Yes." Abigail immediately responds.

"Do you want Emmett to be here?" Though her heart ached for him to be around her, she shakes her head.

Alice walks over to the larger than life mirror that had a cloth over it and she squeels softly out of excitement, Abigail simply letting out a breathy laugh.


"As I'll ever be."

But she wasn't ready. Not when she saw her own reflection. The way that her hair was full and bouncy and the way that her cheeks were full, the way that her hands were normal and her body wasn't hollowed out and her posture was back to how she was.

Abigail crumbles to the ground and if she could have, she would have cried at seeing her mirror self.

"Abs." she hears and she shakes her head at Emmett's voice. He knew that it was a shock to see herself and he wondered if this was what she looked like before he met her. He kneels down beside her and wraps an arm around her, just the two of them in the room.

Though Abigail had said that she didn't want Emmett to be there, the women knew better. They knew what it was like to have a mate, to be a mate. They knew what they could be and what Emmett could be for Abigail.

They didn't speak a word for a few good hours and just sat there, occasionally glancing at one another when the other wasn't looking (or so they thought) and for Abigail sometimes sneaking a glance at the mirror. It had been a long time since she had seen herself looking like this. So healthy and full of live. Just when she was dead.

"What's so funny?" Emmett murmers in Abigail's ear and she couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine. She smiles and leans back slightly, looking up at him.

"Just seeing the irony." She murmers as she glances at his lips before trying to focus back on his eyes.

"What kind of irony?" He asks softly, knowing fully well what was about to happen. His throat drying at the thought.

"About how healthy and alive I seem now that I'm technically dead." She leans in closer and Emmett chuckles.

"That's actually what I was laughing about before." He replies and Abigail raises an eyebrow while smiling.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He says and Abigail couldn't stop herself from closing the gap, something she had wanted ever since she woke up and saw the beautiful specimen before her. Ever since she had seen him in detention and felt nothing but attraction to him even if she had tried to deny it so very much.

Emmett's hand clasps around the back of her neck and his other arm snakes around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her hands wander up to his curls and while her hands are entangled in his hair, she pulls it softly, earning herself a groan from the man before her.

"Uhum." Someone coughs and Abigail glares at the one intruding on their moment while Emmett smirks at Lukas.

"While this is one show that I have wanted to see since you two met," Lukas smirks. "I do not want to see the ending." Abigail starts to laugh and Emmett pulls her up. "There is still much to discuss Abigail." She nods and Emmett grabs her hand, pulling her along to the living room.

Lukas holds up his hand to high five but Enmett didn't see it so Abigail just simply high fives the man back.

"At least she didn't leave me hanging bro!" Lukas yells at Emmett.

"You're the one making sure I'm left hanging, asshole!" He shouts back with a roll of the eyes but a glimmer of a smile behind his stoic facade.

Abigail didn't know what to expect of the talk to come, she could do with some tea or maybe even a coffee after the day she had but maybe all of that was different now. She had to hunt animals to make sure the thirst was gone, what more could there be?

FORTUNATE • E. CULLENHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin