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There wasn't much that Abigail could do. She wasn't allowed out of the house and even if she secretly would, her fears of somehow bumping into someone and not being able to control herself, stopped her.

But the Cullens had already forseen this troubling matter and had made sure that there were books and instruments and all kinds of different hobbylike things around the house.

But Abigail didn't have a hobby. Not really. Whenever she wasn't doing a new thing, she was sleeping. She did miss sleeping. Letting the hours flow away as dreams make their way in front of her and showed her what could be if only the world had her imagination.

Reading was the next best thing she concluded and picked up one of the books closest to her before making herself comfortable in a chair. A large V was on the front and Abigail remembers seeing it in Carlisle's office.

Her mind wanders as she starts to read Carlisle's book about something called the Volturi and it was as if she was placed in the middle of the horrors that the doctor had seen. All the small details that he had written down from his time there and all their rules, even the unspoken ones. The repercussions if one didn't obey them.

The things Carlisle had noticed from the other members. How they had someone with an extra appealing character (more so than the normal vampire) to make sure that people would arrive when everyone had gotten hungry. That the young twins had extraordinary powers, one giving you pain and the other taking every feeling and power away. About hunters that were specifically created for their ability to search for people and about the ones who were extra strong. About Aro who could see everything in your mind with just the touch. About Marcus who could sense the different kind of relationships between people. About Caius with his anger issues.

About Eleazar, a dear friend of Carlisle apparently, who could sense the powers of others. His family consisting of Carmen his mate and the three sisters called Irina, Tanya and Kate. And how the latter could electrify you simply by touch.

Abigail closes the book as she ends the chapter about baby vampires and how they were thrown into the fire. How could one be so heartless to kill an innocent baby. Such a small thing.

If she could cry, she would have. But she settles for the small burning in her chest as she breathes in deeply. It was horrifying to read such things. And those people were supposed to be there to protect them? To help them?

Abigail didn't like the Volturi. Not one bit. There was a fear that instilled itself in her and she hoped to never have to encounter them.

There were other books that were written by Carlisle and after looking through them, Abigail sits back down with one about what he had noticed about being vampires and the turning of the other children.

I have noticed that I attract people. People who seem to want to be around me. It must be how I was created. The speed to not let them run away. The enchanting armor that is supposed to look like skin so they would think I am beautiful. The strength to hold them near. Their appealing smell so I would want them. Anything to ensure that I could feast of them.

The sun is my enemy but I long for it. Only when no one is near can I go into the sunlight and take in the smallest warmth I can get. The diamond like skin is bright and horrifying to me, but it's only when the sun is at its brightest do you really see it.

It goes on about his past dwellings but Abigail decides to skip a few chapters. It was like invading his privacy.

He was still so young. That must've been why his mother asked me to do anything I could to save him. Things only I could. It was as if she had known what I was. It didn't scare her. I couldn't change him at the hospital, I didn't know how to do it. I took him home with me and waited, three whole days he had been silent with the occasional painful moan, until his heart completey stopped.

He hadn't wanted to know about the vegetarian lifestyle. He wanted revenge and to act out. A real teenager.

Abigail chuckles as she sees Edward in front of her. He had been alive for so long, maybe that is why he wasn't acting like a teenager anymore.

He shouldn't have to be alone. Not when I have Esme.

There wasn't much about Esme and her changing, only that Carlisle had treated her when she was younger and that she had an abusive husband. One that made sure that she had a miscarriage. Abigail could imagine her human ending though. Something that painful must've led her to the edge.

She hated me for turning her. There was nothing she wanted to be but a wife and a mother and I had taken away her chance of the latter. I couldn't just let her die. Such a kind soul. She would have been good for Edward.

Rosalie and Edward? Abigail chuckles as she remembers the romances that aunt Linda used to read. This was something like that.

They hate each other.

That was a quick ending to that.

Their anger seems to be caused mainly by the fact that they are turned into something they didn't want to become.

Abigail's heart aches as she sees how Carlisle's normally neat handwriting seems to have been shaking a bit. As if he didn't want to do it anymore.

Their hunger and anger seems insatiable even if they take well to the diet. Rosalie needed her revenge. I'm glad she didn't take it out on us, but I do wonder how she could have done things like that. Hearing the news was enough, I didn't need to hear it from her or see it myself. The actions were appalling.

Abigail frowns as she reads all this.

Then why didn't she feel the way that other newborns did?

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