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Abigail didn't know what to expect from this meeting. This dinner at Emmett's house. She hadn't expected such a warm welcome from his parents. Esme hugging her tightly as if they had known each other for years. Alice had been the same, squeeling once she had seen Abigail and making her way over to her fast and hugging her as if her life depended on it.

Most importantly, another hug from Emmett. One might have thought they were friends since forever, but they had just met the day prior and she had already started liking him. He was such an easy person to be around.

It was all a bit overwhelming and Abigail was glad that Linda was here with her. The woman was animatedly chatting with Esme about the food before everyone sat down.

It was strange for Abigail, seeing huge piles of food on Linda and her plate yet barely anything on the family's own. They were on a certain diet is what had to be the explanation but Linda just narrowed her eyes.

"More for us." She cheerily says before clasping her hands together and closing her eyes. Abigail copies her and the members of the Cullen family bow their heads down in respect. "Dear God," Linda begins. "Thank you for giving us such a wonderful day. Thank you for filling the hearts of Esme and Carlisle with such love that we were invited here without a second thought. Bless this food in front of us and the evening to come. Amen." Abigail echoes the last word and so do the rest.

Emmett and Esme look at the two humans with anxious looks, awaiting their reaction to the food. Esme knew that it had to taste delicious, but she didn't really know. She couldn't taste it and Bella wasn't around to help her with that.

"This is good." Linda mutters with her mouth still stuffed. Esme's face lights up and nods quickly.

"Just a recipe from a book." She quickly says but Linda shakes her head.

"That doesn't matter. I have always learned that baking is for following the rules and cooking is making your own rules." Esme smiles and nods at her.

"So you're Christians or Catholics?" Carlisle asks out of interest and Linda places a hand before her mouth, eating the bite before replying.

"I believe there must be some deity and I don't know which one is right. But I think that it doesn't hurt to pray if it comes from the heart." She shrugs and Carlisle nods.

"You have quite the family." Abigail notices and Emmett starts to laugh.

"This is like half." He looks around. "Rosalie and Lukas are gone for the weekend and Edward is with Bella." Abigail nods. Bella was the only one not in the family.

She must admit that it was kind of weird. The way that some of the adopted siblings were dating. Alice was with Jasper, the one that didn't talk much but threw curious looks towards her. Rosalie and Lukas were together and though Abigail had only seen a picture when she walked in, she was gorgeous. They all were, but she was a step further than that. Lukas had brown hair and a strong tall posture.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Alice asks with interest, making Abigail shrug.

"Midgetgolf." Linda excitedly says and Abigail raises an eyebrow while smiling at her aunt. That woman always found something to do.

"Midgetgolf apparently." Abigail chuckles and Emmett's smile broadens.

"Need more players?" He asks and Linda's eyes widen in excitement.

"The more the better!" She smiles at him and Abigail notices some of the alikeness in the two. Always up for anything with new people. "You all coming?" She asks around and Alice quickly shakes her head.

"We actually already have a day planned." Alice replies with a soft smile.

"That sounds interesting." Abigail says, but she knows not to pry. Otherwise they would've told what they were going to do. "Carlisle? Esme? You two coming?" Carlisle shakes his head.

"Sunday is actually the day that we get to spend as just the two of us." Abigail nods in understanding and suddenly it almost made sense that Emmett wanted to come. Everyone was paired up and he was sort of left alone. It made something in her chest sting to think of it and she smiles at Emmett. "You have to know, I'm absolutely incredible at midget golf."

He starts to laugh and looks around.

"Just so you know, I'm amazing at it."

The evening goes on like this and Linda notices that Abigail loses her focus on the conversation, but stubborn as she is probably won't admit to it.

"Well, it's a late night so we probably should head home." Linda says as she slaps her thighs and stands up. "Something about being a responsible adult to this one." She wraps an affectionate arm around Abigail and kisses the top of her head.

"Well, you're probably right." Carlisle looks at his watch. "I should probably go and see where Edward is." Linda smiles at him and when the others don't seem to be looking, she helps up Abigail who quickly places her arm in her aunt's, trying to gain a little stability.

Everyone says their goodbyes and Linda and Abigail get their - apparently usual now - hug from Emmett.

The two get home and Linda helps Abigail up the stairs and into her bed.

"You comfortable?" Linda asks after having dressed Abigail in her pyjamas. She simply hums and Linda kisses the top of her head. "Goodnight sweety. You can sleep in tomorrow, we'll go out late." Abigail turns her head and a small smile appears on her lips.

"Night aunty." Linda smiles her before closing the door behind her and sighing. She loved Abigail to death and hated seeing everything taking a toll on her but she would make sure she would have the time of her life these months.

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