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"Just one more day and you can enjoy the silence." Abigail rolls her eyes at Linda's voice but nods solemnly. The woman bows down to hug her and kneels down beside the kitchen table to look Abigail in the eyes. "It's just the first week, it'll get better."

Abigail's eyes meet her aunt's and a small smile slips onto her lips.

"What are we doing this weekend?"

Linda starts to laugh and pats Abigail's back before walking to their kitchen.

"We'll take it as we go." Linda says with a shrug and Abigail nods once again before packing her bag, kissing Linda on her cheek and walking towards her car. School was nearly starting and once again she was late.

"Miss Williams." Abigail purses her lips as she turns around with a large smile towards the familiar voice of the secretary.

"Miss Cope." She looks the woman up and down. "You look stunning, did you do something-.."

"Spare me the pleasantries." The woman tsks. "You are late again." Abigail nods.

"I'm still trying to figure out the time. I'm sorry it won't-.."

"You have detention." Abigail's face turns ashen as she looks at the woman. She hadn't been to detention.. like ever.

"But I-.."

"After your classes, report to room 219. You'll serve your detention there. If you're not there, I'll have to call you're aunt for further procedures." Miss Cope hands her a small paper and briskly walks away, leaving a stunned Abigail behind. This was not what she had wanted at all. The matter of the fact was that this school started half an hour earlier than her last and it took some time to figure it out. She was still tired from moving across the country and it apparently showed in her academic career.

And all that while this was her last year. The last few months.

She enters the classroom and quickly dives behind the desk to avoid another round of stares - the ones she recieved every day - and focuses on the teacher, hoping that the day would end quickly

But it didn't. Everything seemed to slow down ever since she had gotten the detention slip. It was burning a hole in her backpocket.

She had already called Linda who was nothing but understanding. The woman understood the toll that it all took on the girl, so why didn't the school people think so?

The rumor of her detention spread out like wildfire and there were even some in her senior year that congratulated her with a grin. She simply smiled and shrugged, letting them know that she didn't really want to talk about it.

Abigail eats her lunch in silence. Only joined by the boy that sat at this table when she sat here back on Monday. She hands him a sandwich and he smiles at her before digging in. She had noticed that he usually ate barely anything and Abigail had made a note to grab more lunch money so she could get him some.

"So detention?" He softly asks without looking up and Abigail snorts.

"Nice to meet you too." A smile slips unto his face and his gaze finally meets her. "I'm uh.. Abby." She holds out her hand and he does the same.

"Jeremy." Her eyes flicker past him and they catch a dimpled grin with beautiful golden eyes above them. She awkwardly smiles back and looks towards her newmade friend.

"Nice to meet you Jeremy." She takes a bite of her own sandwich and notices that he keeps staring at her. "Oh right," she holds her hand before her mouth as she chews the last bit and turns to him. "I was late again."

"It's your first week. How many times could you have gotten late." He chuckles softly and quickly looks around, as if he was scared that someone might see some emotion from him.

"Five times." Abigail mutters before looking down at the food before her. A wave of nausea comes over her and she tries to keep it in.

"Well that's.." he sighs and chuckles. "Five outta five. Its got to be a record here." Abigail smiles lightly and nods.

"My aunt thought so too." She chuckles and he doesn't ask any further, simply focusing on his food.

Abigail was grateful for that. She was tired and hungry yet full at the same time. She just didn't know what she was really. Mostly tired.

She still had classes and after that the dreaded detention. She couldn't wait for it all to be over. Linda had - for the occasion of her first detention - made her special pasta and Abigail couldn't wait.

The classes seemed to dread on and the fact that she had finished these particular course in Biology II and European Languages didn't help either. Abigail had found it a miracle that this school had EL on their schedule and Linda thought it was the perfect schedule for her to relax a little.

It only made her antsy now.

The guy with the golden eyes and smirk on his lips was in EL too. Abigail just noticed that when he walked in. Normally she'd be the last one to enter the room and her desk was at the front so she didn't see her classmates.

He smiles at her before taking his seat, two places behind her. He slouches a little and sees that she followed his path, giving her a smile and half a wave as reply making her quickly turn back towards the teacher and the clock behind him.

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