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There weren't many people in detention and they were all spread out.

The teacher in the front, right where Abigail could see him well from her seat in the back and all the way to the right wall. A tall and lanky young man to her left. A girl with stunning raven coloured hair right behind him. A girl with shoulder length brown hair in the middle row. A guy all the way in the back to her left. The guy with the golden eyes and a smirk had impressively broad shoulders. Something that Abigail hadn't noticed until he sat in the seat in front of her.

All the empty tables in this room and he chose that exact one.

"Alright everybody," Abigail looks up as the teacher walks towards his desk. "You'll be here for one hour and you will behave accordingly. Grab your homework, now is as good a time as any." He gives a kind smile around the room and everyone does as he says, Abigail included. "The hour starts.." he glances at the clock. "Now."

It doesn't take even five minutes before he leaves the room and most of the students lean back in their chairs and shoulder-length-brown-hair even grabs a sketchbook to seemingly do her own thing.

Broad shoulders leans back against the wall and smiles in her direction. Abigail raises an eyebrow as she looks at him.

"What's going on?" She whispers and she frowns as no one seems bothered by the fact that she's talking.

"He always leaves after a few minutes. Comes back around 5 minutes before the time is up." He looks her up and down. "You're new right?" Abigail takes a moment to process the question before nodding slowly.

"Yeah." She softly answers after looking at her homework. She actually had to get it done and the teacher was right, now was the time. She didn't know how she would feel tomorrow.

He smiles at her and holds out his hand. "Emmett." A dimple appears in his cheek as he looks at her and Abigail can't help but smile at the contagious feeling she got from him.

"Abigail." His smile grows bigger if even possible and he leans back against the wall.

"Nice to meet you Abs." She frowns and looks at him. Normally she would immediately tell him to call her Abigail. Nobody could call her Abs. That privilege had been taken by someone she loved to see gone from globe. "So, Abigail," It was as if he knew that she didn't want him to call her Abs or maybe it was just the way that he was testing out her name. But she liked it when he said her name. "What are you doing here in this rainy town just a few months before graduation?"

"I don't really see how that's any of your business." Abigail almost puts a hand in front of her mouth as the sentence easily falls of her tongue. She wasn't like that. She didn't talk back to people and certainly not when they were his build.

He starts to chuckle and nods appreciatively. "Alright then, keep your secrets."

"Are you seriously quoting Lord of the Rings?" He gives her an appreciative look.

"You know it?" A breathy laugh escapes her mouth.

"Is there anyone who doesn't?" He shrugs.

"This town isn't big on blockbusters." Abigail simply nods and starts doing a few equations while once again looking at the clock. "You in a hurry?" She sighs and closes her notebook, already knowing that she wouldn't be able to get things done when was there.

"I'm just sitting this out for my aunt's dinner." He raises an eyebrow.

"She makes good food?" Abigail smiles at him.

"The best. She makes this pasta that just," she blows a chef's kiss. "It's to die for."

"Oh, I would like to get a bite of that." Abigail doesn't notice how his eyes widen at his own words. "Enjoy! Doing anything fun Saturday?" He asks as he leans back against the wall once more. Abigail shrugs.

"We're taking it by the day. I think she wants to go rock climbing so maybe we'll take that of our bucket list first." His eyes widen at the mentioning of rock climbing and Abigail smiles at him. "You like rock climbing?" She knew how conversations worked and though she didn't have many with people at this school - she often kept them at bay for her own reasons - he was an easy person to talk to.

"Well my family.." he begins and Abigail can't help but smile as he starts to tell about their rock climbing activities with a large grin on his face. He talks soft, as to not disturb the others around him. Though his gestures make sure that some people glance at the two. Abigail didn't know that it was because of the fact that a Cullen talked to someone else in the school, besides Bella.

"You should join my aunt then." Abigail snorts at his excitement.

"I'll join you two." His face lightens up at the thought but Abigail's face contorts into one of discomfort. She knew that there were people who were excited and practically invited themselves yet he somehow took it a step further.

"Ehm.. okay?"

"And you can enjoy my mom's food after that." His face beaming at the brilliant thought.

"Say what now?" He doesn't notice how taken aback Abigail is.

"I bet she can cook just as good as your aunt Linda. Maybe they'll cook together."

"Ehm.." she starts and though she really wanted to say no, she couldn't. For one it was a word that her aunt and she had banned for a few months. Second, she kind of really liked this look on his particular face. "I'll have to check with my aunt?" Her statement more of a question. He nods in understanding.

"Let me know. Preferably tonight so I can search for my gear."

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