CHAPTER 20: more backstory time!! suckers HAW-HAW!!!

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after the events of deadpool and izuku's fight, deadpool the next day decided to expose the heros commision and the destroying the orginazaion in
just two minutes as well as exposing lots of corrupt heros and putting them in prison. but because of the corruption of the heros the public are worried
that most heros are like that but surprisingly deadpool defended them whiched surprised everyone saying that they our a bit cliche they are good at heart, and becaise of that people have gotten their trust in heros back on the map.

but for izuku well, lets just say he had to go to the hospital for 5 whole weeks and ochaki as well as his friends came to visit him on how he's doing after
the fight him and pool had. izuku wasn't angry at pool and wanted pool to forgive him for his ways. but thanks to what y/n said to him, izuku decided
to confess to ochako and the two became a hot couple thanks to y/n.

and as for deadpool well he went back to his motive of finding francis but found nothing good to find him. but for now let's go to this fanfic's
villain AJAX!


we see ajax sighning off the mutant subjects as they were being putting in chambers to be used as soldiers, ajax went to his working office
as he looks at the test subjects and sees the one with y/n wilson which pissed ajax off making him throw the file at a wall.

it's been 5 weeks and deadpool has been helping the heros track down and take down half of ajax's mutant trafficking organization much to ajax's
anger as he punched a wall near him having his hand through the brick wall. just then ajax's gir aka angel dust came into his office and wanted to
discussed their problem with the merc with the mouth.

 just then ajax's gir aka angel dust came into his office and wanted todiscussed their problem with the merc with the mouth

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ANGEL DUST: you know babe, puncing that wall isn't gonna help us with our problem.

AJAX: *turns around to angel dust* you don't think i know that!? that kid has been a thorn in my asshole,
he's helped the heros destroy half of my organization! i need to get rid of that freak for good! *growls in annoyence*
but those damn heros have his back.

ANGEL DUST: *smirks* then why don't we seperate deadpool from them by attacking UA and you can settle the score with him
once and for all while i will get his girl.

AJAX: oh and why's that?

ANGEL DUST: well, *gets closer to ajax* if you lose to that maniac we can use her as way to get him to us and
with soldiers and the alliance with the yakuza we have.. *chuckles sadisticly* we will be able to destroy that freak with ease.

UA'S MERC WITH A MOUTH and his fucked up crazy misadventures!!!Where stories live. Discover now