CHAPTER 14: deadpool and wolverine VS the MRD aka racists!!!!

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we now see rogue opening her eyes as she finds herself on experimental chair as she panics seeing that her wrists and ankles
were restraned by steel cuffs. rogues sees to looking sceintists one holding a case as he putted it down on a desk and the other going
on the computer seeing her vitals as the other scientist opens his case revealing a empty syringe and with it a pair of surgery tools that
make rogue start hyperventilating as she starts moving a bout wanting to get out of her but the other doctor saw this and put a knock out syringe
in her making her go unconsious as she closes her eyes but not with out hearing the doctor with empty syringe say.

SYRINGE DOCTOR: sweet dreams mutant.














we now see deadpool and logan in the dopinder's taxi as he was driven the duo to the MRD'S base. deadpool was in the front
passanger as logan was in the back passanger seat lighting a cigarette in his mouth and smoking a bit as he throwed his cigar out
the window. it was silent until the good old deadpool starts one of many funny conversations.

DEADPOOL: it's nice to see you again dopinder it's been like 12 chapters ago.
also hows your community going?

DOPINDER: *happy* it's been going pretty well thanks to you dp, we can pray in peace
celebrate our lifes without fear or hate it's all thanks to you pool!

DEADPOOL: *pats dopinder's shoulder* welp i'm always here for you buddy. sooo,
did you get yor girl or what?

DOPINDER: oh i'm winning her heart pretty good but my cousin gets in the way of it and
mocked me for having a small dick.

DEADPOOL:*gasps* OH NO HE DIDN'T!!! dopinder listen to me..i saw that beast in your pants and trust
me you have NO small dick!! so don't let that limp dick of a cousing say that shit to your face man! do you know
what you need to do?

DOPINDER: *intrigued* what?

DEADPOOL: you need to threaten that asshole so hard that he'll stay out of your way of getting her!

DOPINDER: hmmm, you know what dp i will! i'll make him wish fir ever treating me like shit!

DEADPOOL: FUCK YEAH BRO!! HIGH FIVE!! *brings out hand*

DOPINDER: YEAH!! *brings out hand too*

both deadpool and dopinder high five one another like two bros. meanwhile logan in his head was thinking that
their plan was gonna backfire in the future which he smirked to that can't waiting to see it fail in the future.

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