CHAPTER 6: a trip down love interest and dumbass USJ! PART 1

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deadpool/me, is sleeping in his suit and is in the teachers lounge snoring on the sofa, suddenly the door opens revealing to be the teachers of UA as they looked at me with confusion except for aizawa who walks to me and takes out a horn nowhere, puts it near his head and honks it.

DEADPOOL: AH FUCK!! *falls off the sofa on his front* .....uurgh shiiit that hurt.

ERASERHEAD: good, because you need to get up and ready for the USJ.

DEADPOOL:*facepalms and gets up* oh you gotta be fucking kidding! really?! the place were you have to save people and shit?!

VLAD KING: *angry* so you rather kill people then save them? *scoff* typical villain.

DEADPOOL: *looks at vlad king with a annoyed look* oh grow up 'blood king', i'm not a stupid dumbass villain i'm what you call the grey area. you're just in the black and white bullshit to see i!

VLAD KING: are you mocking me, kid?! *walks and stands near him angrily*

DEADPOOL: *scoffs* well how can i not i mean, you look fucking ridiculous what you're wearing! oh! *one finger up* and let's not forget that your student, neito tried to rape a girl! so what do you have to say for yourself, huh?!

vlad king knew deadpool was right and hated himself knowing that his students is a scumbag, vlad king lowered his had in shame as the rest of the teachers knew this after neito was arrested and sent to prison for 8 years, because he's 16. vlad king walked out the teachers lounge and back to his class. the teachers looked back at deadpool with a bit of angered looks on their faces.

ERASERHEAD: you didn't have to make him feel bad, y/n

DEADPOOL: i don't give a shit aizawa! and if you excuse me, i have my revenge to continue.

deadpool was about to walk out but the teachers blocked the way and deadpool had a annoyed look on his mask again and turned to aizawa.

DEADPOOL: i'll take that i can't, huh?

ERASERHEAD: *smirks* yep, now follow me. *walks out the lounge with deadpool with him*

DEADPOOL: *pouts* i hate you. too




















UA'S MERC WITH A MOUTH and his fucked up crazy misadventures!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang