CHAPTER 4: a pain in the ass fanfic rehab deal!

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deadpool wakes up after sleeping the whole flying shit and looks around to see he's in a interrigation room, his now non-broken hands after healing are handcuffed to the table  his arms are resting on. he looks down to see his legs not broken and says two things.

DEADPOOL: *annoyed* ahh shit!

the door opens and eraserhead is comes out of it looking like his usual self as he seats down on a chair looking at deadpool with a little smirk.

ERASERHEAD: looks like you've been finally caught, pool.

DEADPOOL: yeah, and you're gonna die alone with no family, zombie.


DEADPOOL: haha, but it's true! so anyway, are you gonna interrogate about some stupid villain or hero shit? because i have my revenge to take on and my face to fix because you assholes ruined it by getting in the way!

ERASERHEAD: deadpool, the reason we got in the way was because you can't go killing people for revenge and the destruction youleft behind! revenge isn't the way and being a vigilante is illegal.

DEADPOOL: *hand mocking* blah,blah,blah,blah! i don't give a shit eraserdick, i also don't care about this whole society and if it were to be burned, then i'll be happy as a school girl!

ERASERHEAD: yeah, well it's not happening pool, cause you are going to tarturas for a long time.

DEADPOOL: you do know i'm 17 right and am i really that dangerous to be in that shithole you guys call a prison?

ERASERHEAD: yeah i do but, that doesn't matter because you'll face justice.

DEADPOOL: oh! you mean the corrupt pissed system we all know and hate! open your eyes *air quotes* eraserhead! the sysem is shit and your not a hero, your a fucking soldier who was sent to be a child soldier in a school so kids can get sent to their deaths, just like your friend was!

eraserhead got angry as he shot he's scarf around deadpool's neck choking him in the process.

ERASHEAD: *angry* don't you mention him again! he singed up for it the moment he came to UA!

DEADPOOL: *choking and gagging* wow...if he could hear what you said...about him....he would be..ssooooooo....pissed at what you said, so much for being his friend...he could of been alive and well , and not all misty and shit! your a real....dick..aizawa!

eraserhead knew deadpool wasn't trying to get in his head a looks down and has a sad yet angry look on his faceas he stops strangling deadpool with his scarf.

ERASERHEAD: you...have a point.

DEADPOOL: ya think? also is choking a kink to you in the bed?

ERASERHEAD: *holds the bridge of his nose* *groans in annoyance* i fucking hate you.

DEADPOOL: *laughs* well i hate you too. so why am i in here anyway?

???: because of me.

suddenly something comes out of eraser's scarf and jumps on the table feet landing on it and reveales to be nezu; the principle of UA.

suddenly something comes out of eraser's scarf and jumps on the table feet landing on it and reveales to be nezu; the principle of UA

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NEZU: i would like to make you a deal you can't back down, y/n wilson.

DEADPOOL: *eyes widened with his mask still* how the hell do you know my name rat?

ERASERHEAD: how come you never told me this nezu?

NEZU: because i didn't want the public knowing about it, and also you seemed to have a really bad childhood mr wilson.

DEADPOOL: yeah, no shit.

NEZU: *sighs* i also know you were expiremented i was and i can see through that comedic personality that you are hurt and broken. 

DEADPOOL: *laughs* me hurt and broken?! yeah i don't think so tea addict! also what this urgh..*waves hands in circle motions* 'deal' of yours?

NEZU: well, i'm glad you asked that mr wilson; the deal is that join our UA rehab program and become a student of UA and be a hero.

DEADPOOL: oorrrr?

NEZU: you can get sent to tarturas and spend 3 years in it.

DEADPOOL: ..... *whispers* fuck it. FINE I'LL JOIN UA!

NEZU: *smiles* i'm glad you chose that mr wilson, now how about we leave this room and go shall we? *suggest the door with his hand*

DEADPOOL: fine whatever.

eraser takes the cuffs off deadpool's hands and both deadpool,eraserhead and nezu walk out the interrgation room.


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