CHAPTER 17: settling the scores!!

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[7 YEARS AGO in the midoriya's apartment]

we go to a 10 year old y/n wilson wearing a white t-shirt with red pants as he's walking into his friend/brothe izuku's room as he was holding a
can of beer soda feeling a bit drunk but sober at the same time as he walked into izuku's room without izuku's warning as he was watching a video
of all might saving people again as he felt a bit sad after discovering both him and y/n were both quirkless but y/n didn't give a shit but izuku..he did.

IZUKU (8 year old): y/n please tell me whenyou're gonna arge in my room, you always give
me a heart attack!

Y/N WILSON (10 year old): *burp* oh chillaxe little dude..*burp* it's like it's the end of the world...which i
wish would happened to be honest..*burp* b-but anyway why so-so..*burp* down buddy?

IZUKU (8 year old): i'm quirkless remember, and i've always wanted to be a hero but...*frowns* now that i'm quirkless
i can't be one and now bakugoe is bullying us both along with friends.

y/n had a stern expression and then laughed his ass off at what he's hearing from izuku as izuku was upset that y/n is laughing, y/n put his arm on izuku's shoulder as y/n had chilled out expression while being funny.

Y/N WILSON (10 year old): izuku, who needs quirks and being some dumbass hero or have some stupid 'quirk' that's a rip off from
mutants from marvel when you can have fun with life and you know; get drunk, get a hig sometimes,ahng out with friends or better yet..
*sly smirk* get yourself a sexy hot girl that'll put the kardasions to shame baby!

IZUKU (8 year old): what? no! *pushes hand off his shoulder* i don't any of that y/n why do you have to always be like this?!

Y/N WILSON (10 year old): *scoffs*oh i don't maybe it's because i'm being a living person who doesn't waste his time fantasizing about a blond ass
hunk of muscles who doesn't have a brain and makes stupid one liners about, *mockingly tone* 'being a hero or texas smash or plus ultra or some shit!

IZUKU (8 year old): *gets up off his chair and gets annoyed* stop it y/n! all might saves lifes his a hero and i idolize him for that!

Y/N WILSON(10 year old): *laughs* you idolze him because you have a crush on the guy don't you!

IZUKU (9 year old): no i don't! what's wrong with you?!

Y/N WILSON (10 year old): *chuckles* what it's true i mean you litually watch that stupid all might video on a chair
and a computer like your obsessed with him!

IZUKU (9 year old): i'm not y/n! just stop you don't even understand, why can't you just be like everyone else?!?

y/n was taking back to what izuku said as it made y/n angry as he grabbed izuku by his collar scaring him abit as he tried to push y/n away but
his angry grip to his collar made it difficult.

Y/N WILSON(10 year old): hehehe, you know what izuku..FUUCK, YOUUUU!!!!

y/n pushed izuku down on the floor as he ran out of izuku's room and went to his own as he punched a wall near him,y/n kept punching the wall
over and over and over and over until y/n realized his knuckles were bloody and some skin ripped off his knuckles for doing all that rageful punching he did.

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