Chapter 1

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The queen yawned, slouching back on her little throne, watching as two of her guards pulled the corpse of the Icewing that had suffered a, in her eyes, a rather boring fate. The Seawing who had done the unforgiving deed of boring her glanced at the queen as if seeking approval. She gave the seawing a shake of her head, then looked away, the sight of them disgusting her. Couldn't anybody entertain her anymore? Watching a cat chase a mouse was much more entertaining than these pathetic fights. Sometimes she wondered if these dragons were even watching the same thing as she was. They seemed to love the displays, but to her, they were all boring. What was wrong with dragons? She wanted blood, gore, pain, and suffering during the thrill of the fight! Was that so much to ask? She felt someone tap her on the shoulder, and she turned around quickly, nearly hitting the Skywing guard trying to get her attention with her tail.

"What?" She hissed,

"Should we send the next pair in, your majesty?"

She sighed, displeased at the idiotic question, "Yes yes yes, go, send them in. I want some entertainment before Burn arrives."

"Right away." He said, scurrying off.

She sighed again and sat back down, pulling a scroll with a list of names closer to her. This was today's roster, containing all of the dragons who would be fighting, along with what tribe they were from, so she could announce them to the crowd. She squinted, the last fight she had scheduled was between a Seawing named Pacific, and a Sandwing named Warrior. A Sandwing? Another one? Didn't we... Oh yes... Now I remember. Quite a few months ago, Burn had delivered a Sandwing to her because of the treasonous acts he had done. Burn had hired this dragon as a spy, only to find out he was double-crossing her, using Burn to gain information for the other side. Rightfully, this couldn't go unpunished. A few years and a couple of battles in her arena should straighten him out, right? Oh well. Whatever the crime, he was still a prisoner, and she would still have fun with him, even if Burn had said not to do so. Scarlet stood up and peered into the ring. One of the guards was escorting this 'Pacific' fellow, while another three brought the Sandwing. Ooh~ three guards means that he put up a fight on the way here. She thought excitedly, I like where this is going~

She cleared her throat and spread her wings to get the crowd's attention: "And now for our last battle of the day! In this corner, we have another Seawing, who seems completely ordinary and innocent. Is this just an act? Is he hiding a blood-lusting monster under there? Or is he just another dragon willing to bore me to death... Give it up for Pacific!!" The crowd cheered, excited to watch their death, she imagined. One of the guards escorting the Sandwing gave her a nod, and then they all flew off. "And for his opponent, this bold dragon is charged with treason, and was sent to me to take care of him. Burn told me not to toy with him, but I feel that this is too much talent to waste, what do you think? Give it up for Warrior!!" Some of the dragons cheered, others booed at the mention of his crime, or probably because of the abundance of fights with Sandwings. Oh well, what could she do? It's not like she could conjure up any dragons she wanted to willingly fight and give her a good show. Ooh, that would be quite thrilling. Thinking about this for a moment longer, she finally got back into the moment. "Claws up! Fire ready... Fight!"

The Seawing got down on his belly and pounced the Sandwing, claws outstretched, the Sandwing spared not a second, rolling out of the way, landing on his paws, and turning around quickly. The Seawing was not expecting him to react and didn't have enough time to straighten as he hit the ground hard. The Sandwing leaped up onto him, landing on his back, pinning him to the ground, hovering his barbed tail dangerously close to his neck, ready to stab him at any moment. The Seawing shivered, roaring, trying to push him off, the Sandwing smirking, getting close to him, watching him shiver and writhe. The dragons went wild, urging him on to do it.

"Stab him, stab him! Stab him!"

The Sandwing rolled around, righting himself so he was mounted right on top of him, a claw on his neck. Scarlet turned away, losing all interest. Strangulation? Done before, ugh, perhaps this isn't the one interesting fight. Yet even then, she couldn't keep her eyes off him. She didn't care about him though, she just wanted to see some death. Suddenly, the Seawing bit hard onto the Sandwing, the dragon snarling in pain. He grabbed the Seawing's maw with his other talon and forced it open, breaking his jaw and several teeth along with it! The crowd gasped, stunned at the turn of events. She had to admit, she wasn't expecting that. The Sandwing pinned the Seawing back to the ground and stomped on his lifeless jaw, sending fangs and teeth flying in all directions, blood pouring onto the sand. The Seawing shrieked in pain, trying to crawl away from his attacker. The Sandwing leaped onto him again, grabbing a talon and breaking it with a crack that echoed across the entire arena, only to pick him up, off the ground somewhat, and ram his skull right into the walls of the arena, definitely concussing him, probably even cracking his skull. She couldn't believe her eyes, this dragon was her dream! He was creative, brutal, and her most favorite trait, thrilling! This dragon was everything she had dreamed of, a champion much better than her Fire-Scaled daughter, for this dragon had something much better. He knew his way around the arena, he knew how not to bore her or the audience, he knew how to inflict pain and make dragons suffer. She was so lost in thought she had completely missed a few precious moments of the fight. The Sandwing and Seawing were locked in an intense struggle, both males clawing, biting, and hissing, and soon, the Sandwing had the Seawing in a painful pin, twisting his limbs and making him scream and beg in agony. This was more than enough for her. She needed him often. Without thinking, she spread her wings.

"STOP!" The two fighting dragons stopped, the crowd murmuring, "This... Sandwing is way stronger than I thought. Perhaps an itty bitty Seawing is not enough for him~" The crowd murmured in agreement, "For now, while I find an opponent for our champion... Warrior is the winner of our last battle! Guards! Come see me at once!!" The crowd cheered as a few guards made their way over to her while another guard broke up the fight.

"What is it, your majesty?"

"That dragon, the Sandwing. Could you perhaps relocate him? Maybe to our more private cells?"

The guards looked at each other, confused about why this was necessary. "Of course, right away." The guards flew back down into the arena without any further questions. Scarlet watched as he was chained up and brought into the more solitary areas of the prison, allowing her to get a better view of him. He was an ordinary-looking Sandwing, with sandy-colored, light-colored wings like many of them had. This dragon looked well-built for combat, his muscles rippling as he was carried off, a bold look in his eyes. He was practically born for the arena. As he passed her by, the Sandwing gave her a little wink as he flew by. Scarlet let herself grin to herself. She had just found herself a new champion...

Thinking about all the fun she'd have with him, she flew off toward the palace, determined to get there first before he did...

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