Chapter 10

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Scarlet slipped into her favorite piece of chainmail and walked out of her bedroom cheerfully, already being served breakfast right in bed by her loyal servants. Her champion wasn't with her, however, as he had left early to undergo preparations for today's games. Today she had a roster a mile long, mostly filled with Sandwings, as she wanted any traces of Burn or any Sandwings out of her kingdom for a long, long time. The last five days have been beyond hectic ever since Burn broke off their alliance, but Scarlet did not care. Her champion was safe, and that was all that mattered. She was actually somewhat happy about not being in the war anymore. It was much less trouble for her in the end. Sure, her kingdom would be seen as lazy, and cowardly, just like the Rainwings, but she would ignore that for now, it would blow over. Besides, when she wasn't being bombarded with complaints, questions, and threats, she was formulating a plan to align with Blister and attempt to recruit the Mudwings along with them. Perhaps with Blister's brains, she could convince the Nightwings to come along with them and join the war. Should that fail, she was also working on a plan to get Burn back, in case that whole Blister thing did not work. But that did not matter now, the war was the least of her concerns right now. Scarlet thought happily, Today was all about me~ She flew down towards the arena where Skywings began to pile in little-by-little, and into the little gateway at the bottom of the arena where guards could escort challengers in. Inside, two guards were keeping a close eye on Scorpion as he sat, waiting for the fight to begin.

"Knock knock~," Scarlet said, peeking in, before coming in fully.

The guards both bowed at her arrival. "Your majesty." They both said.

"Thank you both. You may go." She said, "Go fetch the first opponent. The smaller one. On second thought, have them both come in. A tag-team match will be quite thrilling."

"Right away." Said one of the guards, flying out of where Scarlet came from, leaving her alone with Warrior.

"So... A tag-team, huh?" Warrior asked, walking up to her.

"Oh yes~ I think it'll be quite the fight, one against two, if you can win this fight, you'll look sooo good~" She licked her snout, holding him close, taking in his natural Sandwing warmth. "You forgot to say good morning to me, you know it hurts my feelings when you don't..."

He chuckled, "I said good morning to you twice, darling." he said softly, rubbing against her, "I'm sorry I hurt her majesty's feelings. How ever could I make it up to her?" He said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Perhaps giving me a good show today will make me forget about that." She smiled, "I hope you're ready for a long day of fighting."

"Just how many opponents do you have planned for me exactly?" Warrior asked, "You never told me, you just said 'don't worry about a thing,'"

Scarlet thought back to her list, "Um... Why don't I just say you might be a little sore after all of this fighting." She got close, giving a purr, "I could give you a massage afterward. Would like that~?"

She saw the Sandwing blush, "How could I decline such an offer from a beautiful dragon like you?"

"That's what I like to hear~," Scarlet said, licking his snout. The sound of dragons cheering reminded Scarlet of what she came here for. She turned around to see a few pairs of her guards flying two small Sandwings into the arena.

"With all due respect, Scarlet, but I must know. Isn't killing Sandwings going to make your plan to ally with Blister... You know, harder?"

She had thought of that before, yes, Scarlet wasn't stupid, but luckily she knew something that solved the potential problem: "Oh, Blister and Burn have killed hundreds of their own tribe in the past, they won't care about this. It wasn't any different after all. Besides, I do it all the time anyways. You should know this, my champion~"

"Good point," Said Warrior, "What about the other one? Blaze?"

"Oh her? Oh, the only thing she killed is a rabbit, if that." Scarlet said with a laugh, "Anyways, you'd better get out there. I'll be watching you, Warrior~ Don't disappoint me." She said as she padded out. Who am I kidding? He won't disappoint me.

"See you there, your majesty!" He said.

Scarlet smiled, spreading her wings and flying to her balcony, avoiding the fierce gazes of the two Sandwings in the arena. Folding her wings once inside, she cleared her throat, gave a little smile, and said in a prideful voice: "Welcome to today's battle!!" The crowd cheered louder and harder than before, almost for an entire eternity. Even though Scarlet was so excited, she let them cheer, for they had been so nice to wait so long through all the madness, "It is with great pride that I welcome you to today's events! We have a lot, and I mean a lot of fights planned for the day, and by the end of it, the arena sands will be stained red with blood, and you will have witnessed the skills of my amazing champion, and my mate... Please welcome our returning champion... WARRIOR!!!" Warrior stepped out from the entrance, spreading his wings and giving a mighty roar to the crowd, the spectating dragons going mad with delight at the return of the champion. Scarlet looked down at Warrior, and as if he felt her eyes on him, he looked back at her, giving her a wink. She giggled, winking back. Scarlet felt proud of her champion, but most importantly, she felt glad that he was safe with him at last. It may have cost her relationship with Burn and Peril, but it was worth it. Not only did she get a much better champion, but she also gained something she has never had before: A mate. "Now then. For our first fight. A tag team match: Two Sandwings versus my champion! Can he take on both? Let us find out! Claws up, wings ready... FIGHT!!!"

Scarlet leaned over the side of the balcony, smiling ear to ear as she watched her champion fight, idly thinking of all the things she would have him do next in the arena...

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