Chapter 5

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Scarlet forgot to feed the Sandwing for about two days until she suddenly remembered he even existed. The earlier encounter not only put Burn on high alert but also put her in a fouler mood. She knew that the moment she saw Warrior in the arena, she would go for his neck immediately, and she could not have that. Then again, she couldn't have the poor thing starving to death either. She knew from personal experience that dragons could live for a good period of time without food, so she knew he'd live, hopefully. She stopped by the kitchens and took an entire pig, unsure of what Sandwings ate, and brought it to the Sandwing's temporary resting quarters, while dragging a little present she had for him. She figured things must be getting boring in there, so she decided to treat him with a little something to keep him busy. Reaching the room, hidden from most of the palace, she set her cargo down, opening the door.

"I brought dinner~," She said cheerfully, tossing the lifeless animal in front of him. Even though she was feeling quite down because she was unable to see her champion fight as much as she had wanted, the sight of him soothed her a little bit, she could even admit to herself that she was happy to see him. Of course, she would never say that to him, obviously.

The Sandwing perked up curiously, eyes lighting up at the sight of food, "Oh finally! I thought I was going to starve!" He chuckled a bit, getting off the bed and tearing into the animal. Scarlet rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, hinting at something he had forgotten. "What? Oh! Um... Thanks, Thanks, Scarlet."

She smirked, "That's better." She said. "I am sorry I forgot to bring you some food, and so to make up for it, I brought you a little something to provide a little entertainment and atmosphere to this dreary little place here."

The Sandwing cocked his head, blood dripping from his snout, "Oh?"

Scarlet turned around, spreading her wings a bit so he wouldn't see what it was, and lifted it with a huff, turning around and presenting a massive glorious painting of herself. "Ta-Da!"

The Sandwing looked a bit confused, but put on a smile anyways, "It's... You!" He said, trying to act genuinely surprised, "Thank you?"

"I thought it would do you some good to always have my face in your room so you always will know who you serve." She said, looking for a good wall to mount it on. "Please accept it, if you don't, you'll hurt my feelings. I made it just for you.." This was of course a lie. Scarlet had gotten many, many, many paintings of herself during her reign, some better, some worse. It was always her favorite part of being queen, receiving gifts, well, so long as they were good. She was alright with parting with this painting, as the artist, although very talented, was incapable of getting her eyes the right color. What a blunder!

"Well... I don't see why not." He said, "I admit, the place does look rather dull."

"Good champion." She said, "How about we put it right here, behind your bed?"

"Okay." Warriors said, watching as she rested it on the side of the bed.

"It looks wonderful! Wouldn't you think?" Scarlet said, admiring her work.

"Indeed. Unfortunately, it doesn't compare to the subject's true beauty." He winked.

"Oohh~ Don't make me blush~," Scarlet said with a bit of a giggle. "I'll get a guard to mount this thing later." She said, changing the subject, "So um... I'll leave you to enjoy your meal. Goodbye."

"No, wait!" Warrior said, stopping her in her tracks, "Talk to me, it's been a while."

Scarlet snorted, annoyed, however, for some reason, the offer did not seem all too bad anymore as it used to be. She was actually rather looking forward to spending time with him for a little bit. She sat down. "Very well. Make it quick, I have a meeting with Burn in an hour."

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