Chapter 4

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"Something the matter?" Burn snapped, seemingly very annoyed (although she always was annoyed fairly regularly, Scarlet knew)

She had to speak carefully, she didn't want to arouse any suspicion, "Nothing! Nothing at all, I was just a little preoccupied at the moment. Perhaps later?"

Burn rolled her eyes, "This is urgent, Scarlet. This cannot wait." She said, "He could be anywhere by now. We have to go at once. Come with me."

She sighed, she knew there was no getting out of this without her getting suspicious. She just needed to let Burn have her fun without her finding him. "Very well. Come on, let's make it quick." She said, setting the scrolls down on a table and following behind Burn as she walked out of the library and through the palace, peering around every angle of the corridors and entryways of other rooms in case Warrior might have been hiding.

"If he was in the palace's prison then he is most likely heading to the nearest exit toward that area." Burn observed, walking faster.

"Let's split up. You check outside the palace, and I'll patrol the inside. Many guards are out there, if he escaped just recently, then he'll have to face half an army's worth of dragons. Plus, he's still chained up, he won't be able to fly."

"You're right. I'll go at once. If I see him, well... Let's say you won't see him again if I find him."

She forced a laugh, "That's why I like you, Burn!" She said with a smile. "I'll go check the palace. Come find me if something happens."

"Will do." Burn said, heading in the opposite direction. Finally alone, Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back to the room, pushing past the guards and barging in. She had no business knocking, it was her palace after all! Inside, she found Warrior on the bed, resting his head on a pillow. He looked quite frightened.

"Scarlet! Three moons you scared me! What's going on?" He said.

"Burn." She said simply, closing the door.

"What about her? Has she come for me?" Warrior said.

"Pretty much," Scarlet said. "She thinks you escaped your prison cell. I don't want her to find you, because if she does, she'll kill you, and I won't have my fun fights.." She said with mock sadness, although she would be quite sad if that did happen.

"I'm sure I can take her," he said with a laugh, "No offense."

"Anyways, I need you to leave this room, and preferably leave the palace, but since I don't want that, I'll be escorting you to the dungeons. She won't think to look there."

"Very well. Let's go."

"I'll need my key first, I left it in my throne room, hee hee! Silly me." She said, "Wait here, and if she comes in here, well, I guess simply do not die. Sandwings are Immune to each other's poison, right? Ah, what am I saying? You'll be fine."

"Can't you just take me along?"

"You're not a dragonet., you will be fine for five minutes." She said, walking to the door and opening it. "Stay put, and don't leave until I come back." She didn't get to hear his last words as she shut the door on him. She tapped each guard on the back with her tail to get their attention, speaking to them: "You two. You're free to go on a break. Go."

The guards looked confused, having been assigned the position just five minutes ago, but didn't dare question or refuse, walking away together. "Thank you, your majesty,"


"Good." She said, adjusting her necklace, "Can't have them here, drawing suspicion if Burn comes." She said, mostly to herself. Without any further thought, she hurried to the throne room, where two of her servants were polishing her throne, casually chatting with each other as they cleaned her favorite spot in the castle. "Less chatter, more cleaning, boys~," She said, squeezing in between them both and lifting the cushion of the throne, where a silver key sat underneath. This key of hers was simply for the dungeon, which was why she was less careful keeping it hidden. Would it had been for something more important like the treasury or the main prison, then she would care a bit more. Taking the key, then replaced the cushion back onto the throne. "By the way... You both missed a spot," she giggled, leaving the servants to roll their eyes at her, fully unaware that she knew of their annoyance, rather loving it. Holding the key tightly, she walked back to the room. Her mood changed instantly to fear as she saw the Sandwing queen walking to the door, putting her paw on the handle.

"Queen Burn!" She shouted, running up to her, ready to grab her right. Y the venomous tail if she had to.

She turned, looking at her like she was a chicken on fire, "What on the three moons is going on with you!?"

"Um... What are you doing here? I thought you were searching for the Sandwing?" Scarlet said, trying to sound casual.

"I was. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be found, and too much ground to cover, so I came here to look for you for help," she said, "Have you searched this room for him yet?"

"Oh! O-Oh no! Why would I ever do that?"

"Scarlet, why not? He could be in here."

Come on Scarlet, what's something you could say to her that would draw her away from here? "B-Because it's an outhouse! Why would you want to go in there?"

"It would be the perfect place for him to hide." She said, knocking on the door. "Is there somebody in there?"

Scarlet stepped up to her, "Why don't we check elsewhere?"

Burn growled, "Scarlet, please get out of my way!" Burn suddenly opened the door and charged in, only to stop, looking around, confused. There was one thing wrong about this picture: Where was Warrior? "This... This is a bedroom." She looked back at Scarlet, suspicious.

"O-Oh! It is! Silly me. I thought it was another outhouse." She laughed, trying to look as if she really meant it, yet by the look on Burn's face, she did not believe her.

"I am not sure what is going on, but you are obviously not well today." She said, "I am going to keep searching with or without you, I'll be telling the guards about this so they can keep a lookout. Please keep your eyes peeled, Don't make me do this myself." And with that, she walked off, tail lashing.

Scarlet waited until she was out of sight before barging back into the bedroom, looking around frantically for the Sandwing, "Warrior? Warrior where are you?!"

"I'm right here!" Said a muffled voice by the bed. She turned in that direction, removing the blankets and pillows, but there was nothing there under the covers. "Under here!"

"Under where?!" She snapped.

"Under the bed!"

At first, she thought he was joking until she bent down and saw the dragon hiding under the bed. "Warrior! Thank goodness! Oh, I was so worried!!"

With a few grunts and a lot of struggling, Warrior emerged from under the bed, shaking dust off of himself, "I can be very small when I want to be."

Scarlet didn't respond but instead grabbed hold of him, giving him a tight hug. "I'll make sure you are safe, Warrior, I promise this won't happen again!"

"W-Woah Scarlet, I..." Scarlet felt warm with his scales touching hers, the feel of his well-built body and beautiful figure arousing feelings about males she hasn't felt in a long long time, of course, she knew it was nothing more than just the heat of the moment. She was just glad her champion was safe, nothing more. She let go when she had her fill of affection, wrapping her tail around his for a brief moment, avoiding the tail barb. "H-Heh, that was unexpected."

"Don't get used to it." Scarlet said, those feelings dying like a fire in the rain, "I must go now. Have a good day."

"What about those scrolls?"

"I'll bring them to you in a moment." She said, walking out the door. "Goodbye Warrior."

"Farewell Scarlet."

She closed the door quickly, her heart racing after the events of the last ten minutes. The close encounter with Burn, and embracing the Sandwing known as a traitor to her allies. The strange thing was... She really enjoyed that hug. She shrugged. She was just hungry, that's all, she knew it meant nothing that she liked a simple, meaningless display of affection, right? Pushing the thoughts away, she went on with her day, completely forgetting about the scrolls, yet the hug never left her mind no matter how hard she tried to remove it from her head.

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