Chapter 9

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The arena was Scarlet's favorite place in the castle, with the throne room and her beautiful bedroom coming in close second and third, but tonight, she wanted to be anywhere but the arena. Once many years ago, she learned that two Icewings she had imprisoned were both mates, and Scarlet sent one of them to fight in the arena against Peril while making the other watch. Was this what that Icewing felt? Having to watch someone she loved die right before their eyes? Scarlet's stomach hurt, feeling as though all hope was lost. Scarlet didn't know a single time when Burn lost a fight, nor even coming close to a defeat. There was no way Warrior could defeat her, even with her skills. He'd have to be an animus or have unnatural dragon strength to best her in combat. Part of Scarlet wished she would have done more damage to her so she wouldn't be able to fight, but despite the injury she inflicted on her, she still bravely stood in the arena, tail lashing impatiently, watching her opponent, waiting for him to so much as blink. Had Scarlet not told them not to begin until she gave an okay, Burn would be tearing him to shreds by now. Oh, if only Vermilion were here to make the announcements instead of me. Scarlet thought fiercely. She surveyed the audience, pretending as if she was waiting for more dragons to come to watch the fight, but the arena was packed, and Burn was getting angrier and angrier by the moment. Scarlet felt like vomiting as she forced the words she has been dreading for the past day:

"Loyal subjects, today we have a thrilling fight today." She said, trying to keep her usual gusto when she was speaking at fights, but despite her best efforts, the Skywings seemed to notice, murmuring things the second she finished speaking.

"That's her champion down there!"

"You don't think Burn will..."

"...Must be really hard on her majesty."

"What a shame... He won't survive against Burn. Queen Scarlet's champion is surely going to die tonight."

She heard that last remark clear as day, and brought her head down, shutting her eyes tight as tears fell from her eyes. She tried to have faith, but the last remnants of hope faded away like a dying bonfire. She took a breath, trying to keep her composure. "A-As you k-know, Warrior has been my champion for quite a few days, and as you all likely know from his first fight, he was formerly a prisoner of mine, sent to be after betraying Queen Burn. And last night at a feast, Warrior challenged her to a duel." Each word was more and more challenging to get out, her lips trembled, legs weak and shaking. She had never felt fear like this in her life. "If Warrior wins, he shall go free, but if Burn wins, she will take him, and very likely kill him for his crimes." Some dragons turned their heads to her, their expressions full of pity. "The fight will go to a pin. Whoever can immobilize the other first will be crowned the winner. Claws up... tails ready..." She looked to the audience, who watched the two dueling dragons intensely, not making a sound, she looked at Burn, who licked her lips, stamping her talons, hissing, and Warrior, letting herself get lost at the sight of him for one final time, before uttering the words: "...Fight."

Warrior circled the Sandwing queen, analyzing her and trying to pinpoint her weaknesses, finding a logical way to take her down. Burn followed him, body low to the ground, before suddenly striking, leaping right onto him, claws out ready to attack! Warrior was ready for this, possibly even knowing she would do it, and dove out of the way, smacking her in the face with his tail, causing her to land awkwardly, hitting her head against the wall of the arena. Warrior got up, shaking sand off of him, then charged at the downed Sandwing. Just as he was about to leap onto her, she got up quickly and headbutted into him, crashing full force into his belly like a charging bull. Blood flew from his mouth, dripping onto Burn. She ignored the blood and smashed him into the arena's wall, pinning him there. Holding him with one talon, she grabbed his right ring and tore the bone clean out of its socket, dislocating it and making Warrior cry in agony, trying to bat her away. "Let's see you try to flee now, Sandwing." She hissed, throwing the dragon to the ground like a rotting animal left in the sun for too long. Warrior tried to stand up and fight back, his wing dangling uselessly as he did so. Burn avoided his pathetic attack and jumped, wrapping a talon around his neck and squeezing tight, staring the queen right in the eyes as she strangled him, Warrior's chokes for oxygen made her feel even sicker to her stomach. But with a cry of pain, Scarlet snapped back to reality, noticing that Warrior had gotten a tight enough grip on her talon and completely snap it, giving him enough of a distraction to break away from her grasp. He backed away as fast as he could, taking as much air as he could, the color slowly returning to his face. Burn turned towards him, bringing her body to the ground again, getting ready to pounce again.

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