Chapter 7

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"Good-Bye Burn!" Scarlet called to the departing Sandwing queen, accompanied by her five other guards. "It is such a shame that you cannot attend tonight's feast, we will truly miss you." She said, trying to muster as much mock sadness into that statement as she possibly could. "Truly... A shame." She said, lowering her voice as Burn's menacing, queenly figure got further and further away until it was nothing but a speck in the endless sky. Scarlet smiled, delighted. It was all going according to plan. "Raptor!!" She shouted.

The shorter dragon, who was named after the nickname for a bird of prey, she learned from that old boring dragon, whatever his name was, scurried up to her, "Yes your majesty?" He squawked obediently.

"Make me a throne! The finest you can craft! Make it about the size of a Sandwing, but not as large, grand, or as comfy as mine." She ordered. "Oh, and I need it by tonight."

He chuckled nervously, "Your majesty, I'm not a carpenter, and even if I was, the materials needed for that would take a long time to find, plus, building it would take a long time, two to five days, maybe even longer depending on what is it you want."

She growled, "I need a throne for the feast tonight..." She pouted, "Fine then. Bring the one that we had made for Burn. But get one of those super soft cushions put under there, will you? Oh, and be a lamb and get it placed right beside me, please."

"Right away." He said with a nod, "Anything else?"

"Yes, go find out what Sandwings like to eat, and get it here by tonight." She said, looking out to the sky.

"I will. Is that all?"

"Yes, now go!" Said Scarlet, dismissing him. The Skywing nodded to her, giving a little bow before walking back inside. After waiting for a second to make sure he was surely gone, she began walking to the Sandwing's bedroom, a little spring in her step, as she was happy to see him again after a day of not seeing him, nor feeding him. This time, his lack of feeding was intentional, as he would need quite the appetite tonight, Scarlet knew. Opening the door to his room, she walked inside to find the Sandwing on his bed, resting, and unfortunately, not admiring the portrait she had given him like she thought he would.

"Scarlet! What a surprise, I was wondering when you'd come back." He smiled, flicking his tail.

"Warrior, I have something I have to tell you." Scarlet announced, "Tonight I will be hosting a feast, and because Burn is absent because of some war-related matters, I want my new champion to be my guest of honor at the feast."

He perked up, "Really?"

She smiled, "Yes! Wouldn't it be so thrilling for me to show off my champion? Everyone will love you, so what do you say?"

"Well, I'm honored! I suppose I can't say no to that." He said, "Sure, I'd love to join!"

"Good, this makes it easy for me, because I wasn't giving you a choice," Scarlet said, "The feast will be tonight, a guard will come by here to escort you, do not give him any trouble. Understood?"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Good." Scarlet said, "I am glad you aren't giving me any trouble, usually nobody lets me have any fun during my feasts or parties. But not you, you're different. Isn't that thrilling?" She touched his snout with a claw.

"Very thrilling." Warrior said, "So what is this feast for exactly? Do you Skywings just like to do these things?"

'Oh! I did it in honor to celebrate Burn's hatching day! Isn't that so sweet of me? An entire night dedicated to me and Burn~"

He tilted his head, "Isn't the point of a hatching day feast to be feasting in honor of that dragon's hatching?"

"Yes, that is what I said," Scarlet said.

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