Chapter 6

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Scarlet wore a different outfit tonight. Instead of her usual chainmail armor she always wore, sometimes even in sleep, she wore a fancy and very comfortable cloak made of sheep's wool, dyed an inky black color, wrapped around her body like she had taken a piece of the night sky and put it around herself. She didn't do this to impress the common Sandwing or anything, she just felt like wearing something different, was there something bad about that, just trying to look good? She was the queen after all! She ordered her chiefs to bring by a meal just for the two of them right to her bedroom, all she needed to do was hold a conversation with him until they arrived. Adjusting her cloak for the hundredth time, she rested a talon on the door and, taking a deep breath, stepped inside...

He wasn't there.

Her heart stopped, and she tensed, only to recall the last time she entered to find no one inside. He must have heard her nervous footsteps and assumed it was Burn, so he hid behind the bed again. Relief washing over her like a wave, she walked to the bed and removed the pillows one by one, her fear returning as she found nothing but an empty bed. What?! She thought, suddenly feeling very worried. She sprang off the bed and in a panic began to search the room, checking every single spot the sneaky little Sandwing might have been hidden, but there was nothing, it was like he disappeared, or worse... Got found... But that has to be impossible, he never left this room, she had guards (on very specific shifts to keep Burn from getting suspicious,) watching the room at all times, and she was certain Burn would have told her if she had ever found him. Burn hasn't been near the room for days, so where was he?! Scarlet growled in frustration, wanting to set the entire room on fire.

"WARRIOR!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" She shouted, not even caring if all of Pyrriha heard her scream. She knew this would happen, she knew one day she would discover her champion was missing, and even though she thought she could think otherwise, it happened.

"What in the three moons is going on here?!"

Scarlet swung around the door opening. Burn walked inside, looking around, surprised by the mess. "Scarlet, what are you doing in here screaming like this?"

Anger coursed through Scarlet's veins, it was nearly obvious, this wasn't an escape, this was a kidnapping. Burn hated Warrior from day one, and from the moment he went 'missing,' she knew Burn would do anything to get him back into her custody. With a roar, Scarlet lept at the Sandwing, pinning her down to the ground, claws around her throat, talons on her chest, ready to either strangle her or rip her heart out. Scarlet looked deep into her eyes, breathing smoke into her face, practically salivating from rage, "WHERE IS HE?! TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!! I KNOW YOU HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS!!"

With a roar, Burn flipped her over, rolling her around and holding her down, making sure she wouldn't move, going an extra mile and holding her dangerous tail in front of her, "Just what do you think you are doing?!" She snarled in a deadly voice, "Attacking me, we are allies!! Don't you remember?! Or is something making you forget?"

"I know you did something to him!" Scarlet hissed, "I demand you tell me what you did to Warrior!"

"Warrior? The Sandwing?" Burn said, lowering her tail slightly. "Scarlet, are you really attacking me over him?"

"You took him!! I just know you did!!"

"Are you insane? I am still trying to find that Sandwing! What do you think I have been doing in the last few days?!" Burn said, "Here's a question for you: Why have you been doing everything BUT helping me find him? He is your prisoner."


"Quiet, I'm not done." Burn interrupted. "Scarlet, ever since I have given him to you, you have been... How shall I put this... Really different. You do not seem like yourself. Sure, it's a nice change of pace, but it's rather concerning, and I must say... A little suspicious." A chill ran through Scarlet's spine, Burn was onto her. How much she knew exactly, she did not know, but she knew that she was on the right track, she would discover the truth, and right now, she wasn't doing very well keeping her off track. "Tell me... What's going on?"

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