“Get out of the car” My gaze snapped back to Carson who was already out of the car.

I got the door open and slowly got out. And Immediately, every eyes whipped to my direction.

Wow! Lots of eyes.

Carson was already walking away, leaving me behind. He's really good at showing people around, I scurried to his side.

I mean, he was the only one I knew right now.

I could hear a group of girls whisper, glancing at me and already concluding shits.

He couldn't careless, he just typed away on his phone.

I followed closely as we walked up the stairs to the double doors. The people close by didn't think it would be more comfortable to whisper amongst themselves.

They said their thoughts out loud. I caught few of their stament. Stuffs like 'who's she? Why's she with him? Oh my gosh, he's so hot'

I stopped eavesdropping after that and we got into the building to the hallway.

Thank goodness, it was empty.

I wasn't up for another mind reading bullshit. At least, he walked me to the principal office.

I wanted to knock but he just pushed the door open.

The man behind the desk, ripped off his glasses and looked up at us. “Mr Parker, knocking is no longer necessary I see”

“Not here for that, Williams” I got taken aback by his behavior. The man let's out a sigh and focuses on me.

“You must be Charlotte Hayes. Welcome to Redwood High, here is a list of all your classes, your locker number and you get to choose any extra curricular activities you want”

I took the slip from him. “Thankyou”

“If you need help with anything, this door is always open” I nodded and I knew it was time to fuck off.

Immediately we got out, I turned to Carson. “Okay, that was fucked up”

He looked up from his phone. “We are done here” I snatched his phone before he could leave.

His gaze snapped back at me.

Okay, I just did the most irresponsible thing ever.

I began moving back slowly. “Okay, calm down.” He took steady steps towards me.

Right now, I wished there was someone in this hallway, who would save my soul.

What if he kills me and hides my body in my locker? That would be hot.

Not the dieing part!

I felt my back hit one of the cold locker. I searched in his eyes for 'Mr nice Carson' he didn't have that at all.

He didn't stop till we were a feet apart. I just wanted to melt into a puddle.

A smirk made way to his lips. I know, I look like a fish out of water.

“Do I need to explain the term limit?” He asked. “And I guess I gotta explain 'personal space'” I replied.

“You go first”

“Move away” I said, the bell rang. And Immediately the hallway got crowded.

No! No! No! Nooooo!

“What's wrong, pissy?” He's up to no good. And what the eff is pissy?

“You're a dickwad” I knew the attention was on us. He grabbed his phone and moved away and I sighed.

“Don't try that shit ever again” He winked at me before walking out.

Life With The ParkersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin