Chapter 29

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"This was the cafe? "

"I am sure it used to be here.. I have myself met her... She even gave me a cup of coffee, your number and address. "

"It has been shut down for a while, there is a sign of 'To-let' there. "

"Haven't you ever seen her, I mean if you ever had came this side. "

"I never really scroll around here, I used to be on my missions, so for the time I was here, I used to go to college, and I told you, I never really had a speck of general humane for women so I might haven't noticed. "

"That doesn't make quite sense, she was well aware of your existence around still she stayed hidden. "

" She might not want to face death again. "

Vegas and I were strolling around the quiet neighborhood, I clearly remember that day when I was so tired and hopeless about finding a place to call mine and it was raising, she gave me  shelter in rain and send me to Vegas, I was really fuming before that she send me to a bastard but I was thankful now for giving me a chance to meet Vegas.

But right now the cafe was closed and a sign of 'To-let' was hanging, I was feeling anxious about it, it isn't really normal. I looked back for Vegas but found him climbing inside the window.

"Vegas what are you doin'? "

" Going inside the house. "

"It's called sneaking and it's illegal. "

"Do you think being legal is what I do? I am a freaking part of a gang."

"Step your feet carefully, you might fall, I don't wanna babysit you again. "

"Wait, you thought of me as a burden, really? I haven't expected that. "

"Vegas, this isn't the time for a quarrel, go in or come down. "

"We will be continuing this later, stay there until I come, okay? . "

He slid the window and went inside, leaving me as a guard, why? I am going in.

I jumped and held the window pane, my abdominal muscles stretched, the pain resurfaced but it wasn't the time for that, I quickly planted my feet up and opened the pane, going in, Vegas looked at me shocked.

"Why are you here? I told you to-"

"I am not a fricking kid Vegas, if you keep nagging me again, don't forget I can do things better than this, so focus on what you are here for. "

"Once we get home I am gonna make sure you ain't giving me lecture like that and atleast consider what I am denying you to do. "

Ignoring him I just looked around, the house was having a typical 90's feelin', the tape recorder, cassettes, and photo frame on the wall, as if time has stopped only for this place.

"Vegas is that you? "

I pointed at a picture of the lady I met before and a chubby kid with sulky face, it was too evident it was him.

"These are mine.... I always searched for them and never knew where they were gone. "

"It's definitely your mom here, but tell me one thing, how did you manage to turn into a beast from this cute kiddo. "

He smiled awkwardly and continued his search, I was trying to light up the mood, as I know how emotionally exhausting it was for him to go through all those heart wrenching memories again.

I went towards the corner most room and slid open the door while Vegas was still in the living room.

As I opened the door which must be the bedroom, I froze, the lady was standing in front of me with a gun in her hand.

Vegaspete: College UniverseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum