Chapter 12

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My eyes flung open, it was dark all around, I sat quickly but the shooting pain emerged and I cried out, settling down, I looked around, not to get to see anyone.

"Vegas? "

Though I don't want to see him right now but not a choice I was privileged to have.

"Vegas? "

I called louder and the door flung open, the light making me cover my eyes, he switched on the lights and after my pupils adjusted to the light, I saw him with some stuff.

" You are up? "

" Unfortunately yes, you failed to kill me earlier. "

" So my dick almost send you to heaven. " He chuckled but that doesn't eased the pain.

" I.... I... Need favor. "

"Are you really asking me for it? I must be dreaming... Say it and I will do it for you. "

" Can you please jump off the cliff? I don't want my hands to be stained in your blood. "

"Only if I could".

I was confused when he said that but before I could say anything he placed the tray he brought on the sidetable and sat on the bed facing me.

" Lie on your stomach, I will apply ointment there. "

" Keep those hands away, the one to hurt can never heal the wound. "

" Pete, I am asking politely just don't argue over it, I am trying to help you. "

"You were the cause of it too. "

" What's my fault in this? Does people with big dick don't have a right to fuck? "

"Shut up with your vulgarity and leave it to me.... Wait... I told you not to.... Ahhh... "
He flipped me and sat on my legs, pulling off the blanket that covered my dignity, he bucked my hips up and locked me in there.

" I will rather be in pain than take your help.... Ahhh... How could you hit me? "

He slapped my asscheek and the rim even hurts from the vibration, I stilled under him.

" You never let me be gentle with you, for once, get a chill. "

He applied the cold ointment, even the slight touch causing wave of pain to spread all over, the last night memories flooding my mind.

" So the screams I heard when that guy came over the day I met you were because you slept with him. "

" Hmm... He was a model... But too weak to handle me... You were better than anyone I have fucked as far as I remember, though you had a hard time first but after that it was ecstatic.. "

"I passed out after that... "

" For a virgin you are very skilled... But why are you still a virgin? "

" Who said I am a virgin? Just haven't been fucked before... It was a girl who was my first time but I felt so lost...that was my awakening... But what is it to you? "

" Nothing... Just thought what saint would you have been with who left this hot ass untouched... I was even struggling whenever I see you walk past me and even now.. "

"Get off me now horny bastard... I won't let you touch me again... "

"When do you want your supper? "

" It's night already? "

" It's 7 pm, you slept long... Though I won't call you out for that.. "

"You need not ask the timing just bring it on.. "

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