Chapter 25

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Three months later...

We were living together since that day, I wanted him to get better first, his plaster was removed last week but he was still advised for physiotherapy.

I took an off from college, it was hard managing both and now we were having exams, the problems we had was hard.. But this was harder, we bonded so well in these previous months, I was taking care of him like a baby, feeding him, helping him to dress, to have a bath and everything, I learned so many things about him that I never knew before, but everytime I tried to pick up the topic about him leaving all this, he changes the subject, or sleeps, and if nothing then he shuts me up with a kiss.

Vegas has been getting calls from his dad often, and I know it clearly means he is gonna go again.

Time was slipping out of hands and I don't want things to end up wrong. He was reading a book when I came into his room, I am not leaving until he atleast say something.



"We have to talk. "

"Come here my buttercup. "

I was serious but even before I realized, I was blushing like an idiot.

"No, I am fine here, it's just a serious issue. "

"So does that issue asked you to not to sit? "

"Be serious Vegas, I am not gonna let you drift off the issue, I have been waiting patiently for months, and now you are almost fine, I want an answer now. "

"Not that again Pete. "

"Why not? I mean just give me a fucking reason Vegas. "

"Calm down, Pete. "

"How can I? I know you will be leaving me sleeping alone one day when you are okay just like you did before and I am not letting you do that. "

"I won't, Okay? "

"Are you gonna be by your dad's side? Being his puppet? "

"It's none of your business, we are different and that is my different issue. "

"Is that so? Then my issues shouldn't be yours too right? "

"It's not babe, your and mine world are two different zones, I can be a part of your everything but my single thing can hurt you badly.

"I don't want to hear anything,you have to chose, either you are gonna join the mafia Or be with me. "

"Pete, it's enough, what's wrong? You were never so agitated before? Why is it bothering now? " He stood up, leaving his book aside, pausing right in front of me, his eyes darted on me.

"Cause I was being careful for your health. "

"One thing is for clear that I am not letting you do anything with it, it's dangerous. "

"If you don't set your priorities straight, I think I will have to. "

"I won't let you. "

"Try me bitch. " I nudged him, making my way towards the door, I went out side, not knowing where to go, but probably that was the only way to push him for his own self.

I couldn't go to Porsche, he can easily find me, and to my other friends too, so I just got in the latest bus to my house back, he won't even think I will be there and it will be safer for me too.

I switched off my phone, he definitely has my location, what will he track now? I looked outside the window, as we went outside Bangkok, my mind scrolling back to the day we met, how come our relationship was so weird. From enemies to contract buddies to lovers, not an easy way though.

I don't even remember when I fell asleep, the sudden shouting of the bus conductor woke me up, we were there. The surrounding was dark and it was almost night, I hired a taxi, the way back home was so peaceful, my life was struggling yet so peaceful here, I want this peace back, but with Vegas.

"Pete... Child... How come you are here? "

"Grandma... "

She left whatever she was doing and rushed to hug me, I held on her, her embrace makes me forget everything I was thinking.

"Are you okay? You look so haggered... Those city people don't let you eat in peace, my poor baby, come here."

"Where is grandpa? He shouldn't be out this late. "

"He went for a walk with his friends, he will be back soon. "

I sat down, she gave me water and we chatted for a while, they had already eaten, so she made me some rice with the leftover curry. I forgot everything and ate, tears almost brimmed in my eyes, thinking about if Vegas had eaten or not. I picked up my phone, switched it on, and dialled him, but cut the call the next minute, for the better of us.

"Grandpa is taking longer than I had thought. "

"He sometimes get busy in talking, and forgets he has a home to return, if he knew you were coming he would have flew his way back home. "

"How is your back pain?"

"Better than ever, and-"

"Honey... We have a guest. " Grandpa shouted from outside, did he knew I came?

" Pete, hide and surprise him, go to the back yard from the kitchen door. "

I did as she said, I was a bit excited, to see him, my grandpa is the jolliest person you could ever meet and I was really looking forward to see how he reacts.

My phone buzzed in the while, It was Porsche, I declined, but it buzzed again so I picked it up, he won't tell Vegas anyway.

I moved a bit back in our shed, which we had for grandpa's rabbits.

" Porsche? "


"Vegas? "

"Don't cut the call and listen to me, you need to escape right now, Your location was traced by them and now they are behind you, I am on my way, just get some where safe until then. "

A loud scream struck me back to the moment, I quickly sprinted inside, my steps halted at the kitchen door, I peeped in through the half opened slit, my grandma and grandpa were made to sit on the floor, grandpa was holding his head, blood dripping from it, I froze, terror rising in me.

"Quickly blabber where is he? I don't have time for your gibberish. "

"He isn't here, I told you. " Grandma wailed while taking grandpa by her side.

"Then this old man shouldn't be here too then. " They pointed gun on my grandpa and I kept everything aside.

"Wait-" I shouted loudly, my scream was loud enough to let them know where I was. I paced slowly towards them.

"Don't try to even touch them, they are innocent, it's me who is having a fault, don't do anything to them, I will go by myself. "

"Smart enough, take him. " The other guard rushed and held my hands behind my back, locking them with handcuffs, a black cloth covered my face soon and all I could remember was my grandma's cries and being shoved into a car.

"Take his phone. "

Someone's hands searched up my pockets and took out the phone.

"He is on a call with someone. "

"Bastard its me, don't try to do anything or you are dead, I promise you Chan, don't. "
I forgot Vegas was still on the phone, hope he knows where they are taking me, I wanted him  to rush, to my grandparents, my grandpa was hurt badly and to me too.

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