Chapter 10

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Note: sexual content ahead

The alarm literally blarred, I just threw it away but that fucker just didn't stop, I have to get up and find it, and take out the batteries. I had to use it as Vegas took my phone away, yes, the policemen gave him that and it's still with him, I asked him to give it back but he just denied and without disclosing the reason.

I so not want to go to college, first it's a Monday and on top of that I wasted my whole weekend behind that bastard, and my projects are incomplete too,but the most important reason to never show my face again is that everyone thinks Vegas is my boyfriend, fuck off the rest of the crowd but I am gonna get killed by Porsche, Ten and Jom are gonna tease me and even blackmail me about things.

These guys are my friends but that doesn't make them any less of a bastards. And Tay too, he won't be never thinking about me again.

"Noooooo..... Why the hell?.... " I just decided to ditch it today, we will see what happens tomorrow, I am not mentally ready to face them yet. I locked the main door and just nuzzled up in my bed, I fell asleep in no time.

"Pete! Pete! Wake up.... We have to go.... "

" Shhhhh.... Lemme jusst... Sleeepp for sometime.... "

" If you ask like this who am I to stop, but I will be sleeping next to you..."

I woke up, the room was still dark, I turned my side and find.... Vegas?... When did he came? Am I dreaming? What a nightmare....
He was sleeping too, I have to say he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping but a walking time bomb when awake. He has firm eyebrows, a pointed nose, but his cheek bones are more prominent, and his jawline is sharper than any of others I have seen, and his lips they are thinner than mine but very soft.... Wait what am I even thinking ?

I proceed to get up but realized he was holding my arm, and wide awake with a smug grin.
"You were awake?? "

"Yup wide awake when you were starring at my face, it gives me a weird feeling inside me. "

"Like what? "

He jerks me towards him and I fell over his chest, he immediate got on top and between my legs, he got my arms on his shoulder and kissed me, it was a bit sped up but he slowed down and I caught back on my breath.

" It makes me wanna keep you to me all day."

"I had a morning breath mister. "

"I don't care, it's you who matters. "

" No let me go, I have to go. "

" We will be going college after 11, we still have 2 hrs. You need not to hurry. "

" I am not going. "

"Why? Are you not feeling well? "

" I just don't wanna go, you can if you want to I will be having my alone time in peace. "

"You are trying to run away from what you have to do, it's okay we are going. "

"I said I am not going, topic over. "

" Okay, you are gonna spend the whole day with me, the way you want. "

" Vegas, I am telling you in a language that you can understand. The thing is we normal people don't see murders like this in our routine, so I need some time to get my mind straight about everything that has happened. Okay? "

"Okay? "

"Thank you. Now get your dumbass out of my room. Now. "

" You never want me to be polite for once, didn't you? "

He said, we were still lying down and he was staring in anger towards me. I rise up and saw the sudden change in his demeanor.

" You never see my efforts towards you, everytime neglecting me, and nothing is from yours, even if you don't have feelings for me yet atleast fucking try, just creeping that attitude. "

".... "

"I think I need to mend this cockiness first. "

" Vegas go now, you aren't looking normal to me. "

" You don't like me normal either, you like this version of mine, who makes you vulnerable. "

He grabbed my hand and took me downstairs forcefully, his house was all dark and in his bedroom there was a secret door which even I never noticed when I came. He pushed me down on the mattress and pulled off my PJ's from me, my boxers slid along with them and I was trying to crawl away, but he is just too hard to stop. My Tshirt was thrown away, leaving me naked, he took the handcuffs and tied them above the headboard, a collar around me and even cuffs on my feet. And a weird ball like thing around my mouth, I don't know what it was called but I had seen it before in the porn videos. (That is a ball.)gag

"Hmmmm... "

" Stay quiet... If you utter a word you are increasing the already bad temper of mine. "

"Let us see how good are you at obeying, you are not allowed to cum no matter what I do to you, if you did, that means you are ready for me to fuck you. "

He said and I just stared at him, trying to get these things off, I know I have a good control but this man is never predictable.

" Try to sit so you can see me, if you look away you are done for without any chance. "

I forgot everything going in my mind, just follow whatever he is saying, as if a pied piper.

He unhooked his jeans and took it off, stripping naked in front of me, this guy was a whole meal if I hadn't known him for good, I would have been swayed by the body he had. And my eyes we're fixed at his abs, down to his dick, that was some huge one.

He was right when he said he is larger than me.

He came and was near me, I tried to stick back but he was just near the bed. And his hands travelled down to his dick, running his palm over his already semihard manhood he pumped once and groaned, he started pumping faster, his eyes we're fixed to mine, looking at me, he was stirring me up, I was too busy to do a thing called 'Control. ' just watching him doing the deed.
He came over and his cum dripping over, I came back to my sensed when I saw him smirking. I was hard and breath uneasy.

" Even your sight makes me cum, I was unsure about you, but look what I see, I got you hard little one...But all I need to fuck you is make you cum... That doesn't seem something hard. "

He came closer and pulled me down on the bed, I was on the bed spread naked, all vulnerable and easy to wreck and he was preparing for getting me ready as his meal. But I wasn't scared or disgusted, but a feeling of knowing what's gonna happen and a nervousness in me. But why?

Note: Right In front of my salad??? Question of the chapter... What kind of smuts you prefer?
A. Vanilla
B. Bdsm
And if bdsm what would you have been, a dom or sub?
I will be a sub though😅
Asking just randomly, I am a bit curious person 😅😅.

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