Cassandra: People think what will happen to them next.

Barbara: I don't know but I just know they're the best antics I've ever seen.

Kor'i: Although it feels bad, they deserve it.

Tim: Yes, and I'll die laughing.

Kagami: They did a great job.

Marinette: Yaeh.

Bruce: ((Good job Clark, you made them the best joke I've ever seen))

Damian entered the dining room and saw Titus and Alfred the cat.

Damian: Both of you are here, I've been looking for you all over the place.

Damian saw everyone smiling.

Damian: What is everyone laughing about?

Damian's Pov.

I woke up because my sister woke me up.

She said she would meet me at the dining room, I agreed and got up.

Today is tiring because I had to catch a lot of criminals last night.

Now my body is very tired but I keep getting up, I take my clothes and go to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

I decided to pet Titus and Alfred the cat before walking down to the dining room.

I looked around the room and didn't see Titus and Alfred the cat anywhere.

I looked around the room but couldn't find it anywhere.

Damian: ((Where are they?))

Usually the two of them would be in my bed waiting to be cuddled, but they were gone. I walked out of the room and looked around the room but couldn't find it, I looked at the clock it was 6:15, it's almost late now I decided to look for them later.

I walked into the dining room in a contemplative mood.

Damian: ((She'll think I'm irresponsible and lose pet, or she'll be disappointed in me, she really loves petting them, what should I do))

I walked to the dining room breathing evenly and keeping my composure and walked in.

I see Titus and Alfred the cat with them.

Alfred the cat sat on my sister's lap.

Titus was petted by my sister's girlfriend.

Damian: Both of you are here, I searched you all over the place.

I see everyone smiling.

Damian: What are people laughing about?

Jason: Oh Demon spawn we're just laughing about this news.

I went and checked out the news that Jason said.

I see and I feel great watching this.

Damian: It's very good.

3rd Pov

Bruce: Okay enough laughing.... ftttt hahaha.

Everyone: Hahaha.

Bruce: Ok ok now seriously, we better stop laughing.

Everyone stopped laughing.

Bruce: Ehem Damian sit down and eat with everyone.

Damian sat down on the chair at his father's request.

Alfred put the plate of food on the table for everyone and sat down on the dining chair with everyone.

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