Part Two: Paganism

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Chapter 1

I was covered in sweat. Apparently, challenging a guy to do more push-ups than you can do, required a lot more exercise than I'd anticipated. Sure, it was worth it. The looks on his face when he collapsed from exhaustion was definitely worth getting all sweaty and using my powers.

That didn't count as cheating, did it?

Well, I didn't care much. All I knew was that I'd won, and the guy had lost and he was going to be humiliated for the rest of his life.

Life was awesome.

Phys Ed wasn't over yet, but I had a pass because of my condition. So, I skipped merrily to the girl's locker room, eager to get dressed before everyone came in.

The halls were deserted, with no human in sight. Well, but I could surely hear some things.

Shaking my head in disgust, I didn't even stop to look at who the people were. Well, that was until I heard the girl moan, 'Anthony,'

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of that.

For those of you who don't know who Anthony is, Anthony is my boyfriend. And he is the only one with that name in the entire high school. And I know this cause I stalk my boyfriend. I am not ashamed of that.

I don't know what I was feeling more intensely at that moment; rage, hurt, or curious.

I marched right towards corner and found my not so lovely and loyal boyfriend making out with Stacey.

Stacey smugly turned to me. She hated me cause I was prettier than her. It was a fact.

Anthony's eyes didn't show remorse at all. 'What do you want, Elianna?' he asked me lazily and in a way that sounded like he was pissed for me interrupting him.

I rolled my eyes at him, trying to ignore the pain I was feeling.

'You lied to me. And kept multiple secrets. I am sorry I never mentioned that I never wanted to date anyone who was dying,'

'So you cheated on me cause of my condition?'

'Your condition that put you in terminal. I need stable and lasting relationships in my life.'

'Like you're going to get something of that sort with Stacey.'

'I knew I should've broken up with you sooner.'

'Well, consider us broken up now.' He didn't flinch, apologise or say anything other than tilting his head a little to show that he agreed.

I don't know how I went through the rest of the day. After crying for an hour and attending three more classes, I went back home to cry some more. I picked some Ben and Jerry's on my way, and started bingwatching Romeo and Juliet; epitome of doomed love.

After having dinner with my family, I sneakily made my way back to my room. My dad sounded pissed for some reason and I wanted to stay clear of him for the day.

Of course, the fates just wanted to make my day worse.

I was called outside for a talk by my dad.

He seemed like he was in a bad mood, but so was I. Being the youngest, I was used to having people take out their anger, their problems on me. It was very normal. I watched as he started yelling at me, for apparently no reason. Cause I put on nailpaint. I looked at mom for help, but she was pretending to be deaf, looking at her phone.

Betrayed, I looked back at him. He was now calling me selfish. Great, so now I saw selfish along with a messy, disobedient daughter he never wanted. He never said that directly, but it was clear that he meant it. Then again, who would want me anyway?

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