The Devil and the Angel

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I received a new speech every day, each one about something completely different. But I knew that was only because Elliot cared about me. The bruise on Dominic's face hadn't gone unnoticed by me. I knew it was Elliot's work, I could tell, but I didn't tell either of them anything about it.

After all, what was the point?

What was the point of anything?

I was dying. I could die any moment. Literally any moment. And I almost died that night. If it hadn't been for that dude who saved me, I could've died. I would've died. I knew that for a fact. That guy that saved me, I knew him. He's Luke, also the guy I had to meet that day.

I had asked, more like croaked at Alexander to bring Luke to me so I could thank him. But apparently, we were under the supervision of the mighty Dominic whatever his surname was. I had tried telling him multiple times that it wasn't necessary but he pretended to not understand what I was trying to say.

Son of a bachelor!

Well, not necessary to say, my conversation with Luke was...tight. He and I had never talked much before so, needless to say, the beginning of the conversation was awkward. He and Elliot were good friends, but we had never had an actual conversation with each other before.

I thanked him, well more like spoke some incoherent words to him before Dominic shut me down cause apparently, I was damaging my vocal cords further by trying to speak.

I noticed the tension between those two, Dominic and Luke was thick. But that was when I remembered something. They weren't friends, oh no they were quite the opposite. They were sworn enemies. They had always been competitors, but their hate wasn't just limited to that. They were competitors for everything. Their level as number one, their looks, grades, richness, everything. They were both, I must admit drop-dead gorgeous. Luke, with his dirty blond hair and experienced grey eyes, looked like an angel, while Dominic, with his jet black hair and dark calculating eyes, looked like the handsome devil, but in reality, both were equally as bad.

Luke was more collected and composed. Dominic was rogue and rough. Luke would be nice to make you like him. Dominic wouldn't even bother, he wouldn't care. Luke let passion and emotions drive him, but kept his cool always. Dominic would follow his mind and let anger drive him.

But deep down, both were genuinely nice. The pick-up like, 'if looking good was a crime then you'd be in jail for life' was modified intensely here. If looking good was a crime, they'd be in hell, cause that was how good they looked.

Luke had a couple of piercings, smoked, and had a dozen tattoos. Dominic had just one single earring piercing, drank, and had not a single tattoo.

They are so different yet so similar.

They gave each other a cold glare, and a tight smile was given by Luke to Dominic who gave nothing in return.

I bit my lip as I watched them look at each other.

Finally, Luke offered him his hand, which Dominic shook.

I could see from the ways the veins in their hands popped, that they both were pressing hard. That made me gulp and I forced a bright smile and cleared my throat.

Luke, being the less egoistic person out of the pair, retreated his hand and turned to me, and his tight smile turned into a genuine one and he softly said, 'Hey beautiful,' my cheeks instantly burned up at his compliment and I reminded myself that I had a boyfriend.

But was it my fault he was so damn hot? Nuh-uh.

I smiled back and croaked, 'Hey handsome,'

And that day, seeing Dominic and Luke standing so close made me realize how good Dominic actually looked.

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