Elianna Edwards the Matchmaker

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I reread the text a hundred times in three seconds because I just couldn't believe my eyes.

Hi Eliana, this is Luke.

Another message came.

I got your number from your brother. Sorry ti text you this late, I just wanted to know how you were doing.

After I got over the shock, I texted him back.

Hi Luke! Thanks for texting, I am fine now.

I hit send and then started typing again.

I really have no idea how to thank you enough for all you did for me. Thanks a lot.

Again, I hit send.

Well, I am kind of stalking your bestie which was not at all the reason why I texted you right now but if you could just tell me what she liked then it would be great.

I had so expected this text.

Veronica, right?

Yes, her.

Well, for starters I think you might stand a chance since you're like a really good person and all. Just be your usual great self.

Really, that would be it?

Hell no. It's Veronica we're talking about. She's my bestie and I love her and all, but sometimes she can be a lot. Not speaking ill of her here but it's just a factor one must keep in mind if they intend to impress her. Normally, if someone would ask me for relationship advise, I would ask them to give the girl a flower or something but Veronica, she's a bit high maintanence. Again, not speaking ill of her. If you want to impress her, well, first, go talk to her. I know you're her coach so you guys must be talking a lot. So, keep the conversation light and funny. Slowly, start complimenting her in a subtle and then just text her in the middle of the night. She won't reply because she sleeps at ten-thirty, so, climb up her window and claim you were worried that she was kidnapped. Then, the next day, take her for dinner claiming that she's too tired and what kind of a gentleman you'd be if you let a lady go home on an empty stomach. For two days, flirt lightly with her and then ask her out. But, that's not the end. To keep it going, you must do super romantic things like send her "love quotes" every now and then, or sing some love poems to her. And just a small tip, when you propose her for marriage, make it huge, like do it in front of five hundred or so people. She loves a crowd and the chances of her rejecting you would be really low then. Also, don't name your kids from "F", "G" or "Z".

Luke took some time replying to that. I could almost see the amusement on his face as he read that text.

Do you have this entire thing planned for whoever comes your way asking for advice?

Nah, if it was some moron, I would've asked him to give her a flower.

Good thing I asked you first cause that's all I could think of. Why are you up, by the way?

Just couldn't sleep. I don't sleep much, I usually sing or sketch but I am in my parents' room with nothing to do. I am kind of glad you texted. I was getting bored.

Anything to make the lady happy.

Also, she likes almond-cut diamonds. Just letting you know for the wedding ring. And she's very much into yellow gold and not white gold or platinium.

Let's leave that planning after she says yes to going out with me. If she says yes.

Oh please, I am Elianna Edwards. People don't call me Cupid for no reason. I am the best matchmaker there is. But hey, marry her as soon as possible. I really want to be a Maid of Honor, but she'd have to get married before me for that to be possible.


And if you guys elope, do let me know.

I think this is getting too much.

Sorry, didn't mean to be creepy. Just wanted to...I don't know what I wanted to do. I guess boredom is the greatest of demons.

I am sorry. I didn't mean to sound like you were getting weird or creepy. It's just that I don't want to dream much and then have my dreams broken.

Don't worry, you'll be just fine. I'd be sure to speak good and heroic things about you in front of her.


I am glad you are kind of strong and muscly. Her list of suitors is really long. You'd have a lot of people coming for you.

I'll gladly fight them for milady. I chuckled at his response before putting my phone aside. The talking had made me sleepy just like I'd wanted. And I fell asleep planning my best friend's wedding.

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