Passed out it is...

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I didn't say anything, I just looked at my feet. Okay, that meant he wouldn't have fun beating me. Should I be upset that I was rejected? Well, I was. 

'Why?' Mr. Hobkins asked.

'Are you kidding me? Just look at her, she is what? 50 pounds?' I was not 50 pounds, I am at least 85 pounds. I think. Is it possible for a sixteen-year-old to be 85 pounds? 'One wrong punch and she'll be dead!' he yelled. Well, at least he's humane. 

'I know.' I responded. 'I am ready to risk it.' He looked at me with an unbelievable expression on his face. 

He sighed but didn't argue. 'Fine. Come no.' I had seen Dominic fight a lot. He's twenty, so, I have witnessed a lot of his fights. I used to cheer for him. 

'Heads or tails?' Mr. Hobkins asked. I looked at Dominic, waiting for him to choose, but instead, he spoke,

'I'll let the lady decide.'

'Heads,' I chose without a second thought. Mr. Hobkins tossed the coin and with my luck, he announced 'tails'

'I choose defense,' Domonic declared in a fraction of a second. 

I got on the metal rod that was six feet from the ground. I literally had to jump to get my hands around it so that I could climb. Dominic, however, easily did it. 

His 6'4 frame intimidated my 5'1 one. I had been on the rod a lot of times, so I didn't have to struggle to keep my balance, but neither did he. Mr. Hobkins started the countdown and I saw concern flash in his eyes, and I could feel fear flash in mine. 

I gulped, and his eyes softened more. He thought of me as a child. How can I use that to my advantage? I wondered.

The whistle blew, and I ran towards him, on the rod, and punched him on shoulder. He looked at me with an expression that read, 'are you kidding me?' but that counted as an attack, right?

Truth be told, I knew if I would attack his face or kick him, he'd block it easily. I was at a disadvantage. I wasn't an attacker, I was a defender, and I knew he'd sensed that. That didn't surprise me.

What surprised me was that he grabbed my shoulders, pulled me closer, and kissed me. At that moment, all I could do was swear inside my head. I didn't know how to kiss for god's sake. But no, I wasn't supposed to be kissing him. I was supposed to be-

He took my momentary daze as an advantage. In a split second, he lifted me by the shoulders and dropped me to the ground, breaking the kiss. I landed on my right ankle, sprained it, and collapsed on the floor. He swiftly got down and asked, 'Ready to give up yet?'

I got on my feet. Was it weird that I wanted to kiss him again? What? He's hot. I pushed my thoughts aside and threw a punch at his face. He blocked it and kneed me in the ribs. I was pretty sure I heard a crack and I put a hand there to block my pain with magic. I tried punching him again, but this time, he didn't block it. He grabbed me by my neck and punched me in the face. 

Owie... Was all that crossed my mind. 

'Give up!' he commanded. Why did he want me to give up? He liked breaking people's confidence, he never asked them to give up. As a matter of fact, he kept punching them even after they'd given up. 

I managed to shake my head. He punched me again at the same spot. Damn, this guy knew how to punch. I could taste blood in my mouth, but I wasn't going to give up. 

'I said give up!' You must be thinking, why isn't he just stopping if he wants you to give up so bad? Well, he couldn't. Those are the rules. Neither of us can leave the ring if one of us hasn't given up or hasn't passed out. 

He punched me again, this time on the rib he'd broken again. 'Give up.' This time his voice was dangerously low. I shook my head again. He pulled out a brass knuckle from his shorts pocket and before I could process what was happening, he punched me on the head, and I blacked out as my head hit the floor.

Passed out it is. 

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