Beer and Wine

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I have been to many parties, but most of them were sophisticated ones thrown by the friends of my parents. Yes, I had been to parties thrown by my friends, but I had never been to one like that.

I had thought high school parties were wild. What was bestowed upon me was just another level of wilderness.

The music was so loud that even I couldn't hear myself. I literally had to shout at the top of my lungs to talk to Dominic.

'I have to see some people. Will you be by yourself for a bit?'

'I'll be fine! Have fun!'

'The kid stuff should be outside if you want!'

I nodded and he gave me a smile before turning around and walking away.

The pool area was filled with college students getting drunk. Some people were swimming in the pool while the others were just chatting around. After digesting the scene for about five seconds I realized that I couldn't actually stay there. The burning stench of alcohol was just too much for me.

I moved to a quieter spot, not knowing what to do. The only person I knew there was Dominic, and he was nowhere to be found. And he also happened to be my ride back home.

I sat on a chair and took out my phone began texting Veronica. She was at her cousin's wedding, and was getting bored out of her mind, so even she was desperate.

The music was playing faintly where I was sitting. The area wasn't completely deserted, but there were very few people there. It wasn't entirely reassuring, but I knew I would be fine.

Veronica told me about how she despised her cousin cause she found her very "fake", and the guy her cousin was marrying wasn't that much of an amazing person.

We had an in-depth discussion about how fake really was obvious in which I contributed with encouraging "of courses", "Ohs", "Rights" and "Yas".

I knew Veronica was like a DVD player with no pause button. You could stop her but then she'd be offended and it would be too much of drama. Instead, you could just agree to everything she says and everything would be fine in the world.

Dominic returned after what felt like hours. 'Sorry to keep you waiting,'

'It's alright,' I answered, quickly texting Veronica a "brb".

'Here,' he handed me a pong glass which was, I guessed, filled with beer.

I hesitated for a second before accepting it.

'Not more than three glasses!'

I nodded in response, staring at the liquid. I had drank wine and champagne before but never a beer. Never too late to try something new.

I downed it in three gulps, but didn't instantly feel lightheaded. I put the cup away before getting up.

'You wanna dance?' Dominic asked, offering his hand, and I nodded. It was after all, a party. We were supposed to dance.

I took his hand and he pulled me to where all the dancing was taking place. I grabbed another glass of beer on the way there. The music was loud enough to give me vertigo and the drinking didn't help. Dominic had told me three glasses was the limit but he didn't say anything when I crossed three.

The party reached it's peak, and right then, Dominic pulled me outside to his car.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'I am driving you home,'

'I wanna stay!' I pouted stubbornly and childishly.

'You have school tomorrow, and you're too young to stay till late at college parties!'

'But you shouldn't drive, you're drunk!'

'I didn't drink enough to get intoxicated. However, we can't say the same for you,'

'But I want to stay...' I whined.

'You're drunk. I am getting you home!'

'I am not drunk,' he didn't say anything, but as I stumbled without even moving, he gave an eye roll. 'It's the heels,'

'Yeah, sure,' he agreed sarcastically.

'I am just a little tipsy,'

'God, I should've never let you drink.'

'Yeah, cause I am a kid, right?' And so it began...

Hey guys!! Half the book is over!!

The Age of WiccansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon