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Hey guys, please read the a/n at the end. 

I didn't even bother to ask permission from my brother, knowing his answer beforehand. He entered the door, and from the dark look on his face, I knew whatever that was coming wasn't going to be pretty.

For the longest time, he wordlessly stared at me before slamming his fist right beside my body. I yelped and jumped away from him, my hands forming fists around the sheets in fear.

'Why?' he asked, his eyes cold. I could see the pleading in them, I could see him begging me to tell him why. He wanted me to explain something, but I had no idea what it was.

'I know, Elianna, I know. The doctors told me.' I made the most confused innocent face possible, but I knew very well what he was talking about. 'I know you know, so stop acting dumb!'

'The doctors told you how I am the symbol of perfection, well, yes I do know that.' His jaw twitched, and I could see my words had made him madder.

'I hate you!' His voice wasn't loud, no, it was much worse. It was low, like a whisper. But it was very controlled, it was cold, and it was dead. I choked a sob as he walked out of the ward, slamming the door shut behind him, and I let my tears fall.

I had strictly been advised by doctors to not cry under any circumstances. They had told me it would just bring the end sooner. But they didn't need to tell me that. I avoided crying almost all the time. I cried rarely, like once or twice a year. But that all stopped when I heard I was going to die. How can you not constantly cry after that? How can you just not sob knowing that you won't be with your family after some time? How can you just not break when you know that you can drop dead at any moment? How can you not?

My brother had downright admitted that he hated me, while staring at me in the eye. I knew he wasn't joking, his voice gave no hint of joke. He looked like he meant it, which he probably did.

I half curled up in a ball and lulled my self to sleep by humming a calming tune. I had done that often. The humming turned down the sobbing and so, I usually eventually fell asleep like I did at that moment.

I was allowed out of the hospital by the end of the next three days. Elliot didn't bother talking to me at all, and I already felt dead by the amount of ignorance I was receiving from bother Dominic and Elliot.

Yes, Dominic had chosen to completely ignore me. He didn't care what I said or did. But of course, he was my tutor, so we were forced to talk. Yes, the force was from both sides. Even I didn't want to talk to him.

One of those forced times was my monthly health check-up.

Mr. Hopkins knew about my disease so he gave me a pass all the time, letting me live my life to fullest. But, Domsy Dom didn't. I have been trying to nickname him, you see, but can't find a suitable nickname. So, I was stuck again with Camryn.

She pulled me aside for a private talk before the check-up, telling Dominic it was 'ladies talk'. I loved the flustered and partially embarrassed look on his face when he cleared his throat, scratched the back of his neck and gestured us to go ahead.

'Tell me you told Dominic!' she demanded in her thick French accent the second we were out of Dominic's hearing range.

'I haven't talked to Dominic in a while. We've hit a rough patch.'

'You're kidding me, right? What happened?' her tone changed from aggressive from apprehensive.

'He was being overprotective so I asked him to shove it,' I mumbled, chewing my lip physically as I checked my guilt emotionally.

'Are you kidding me? I told you he cared for you! You can't keep this from him!'

'With all due respect, Miss Camryn, it's my decision, and I don't want him to know, period.'

She let out a frustrated sigh before making her way back to Dominic. I followed and stepped up on the weighing scale.

If I thought 87 pounds was underweight, I didn't know what to call 79 pounds. I stared in horror at the weighing scale. I was severely underweight, even I knew that, and I knew why. I had stopped eating properly in the past week and had increased my exercises out of frustration.

Dominic gave me a look of pure rage, and I backed away a bit. He stormed off into another room, and me being the stupid me, ran after him. At that time, I didn't notice how the training center was concerningly empty.

I just marched after him in a deserted room in hopes of cooling him off. 'Dominic, please, I am sorry!' I apologized, panting from running, even though I had nothing to apologize for. I had done nothing wrong. It wasn't my fault that I was dying. He didn't reply, he kept his back turned to me. 'Dominic, please...'

He turned around dangerously, his features ice cold and scarier than that of Death. I gulped, trying to swallow the uneasy feeling down. Everything in me told me to run, to be smart, but I stupidly stayed.

'You know what, Elianna. I am starting to think we never had a fair fight since I was being so...considering. But now that you don't want me to be that, I suppose we should have a rematch.' I took a step back and that was when the first punch hit me.


So I just wanted you all to know something. This book is mildly about tragedy, so it has some sorrowful stuff like the character wanting to die and all. If you all find it disturbing or triggering, I suggest you stop reading it immediately. It's merely written out of fun. It's not a full-on tragedy, cause well, you'd be sobbing if it were (I write tragedy the best) but at some points, there is and will be stuff like that. However, there will be no mature content and the explicit language will remain limited to 'bastard', 'damn', 'crap', or worse 'shit'. It most likely won't be other than these words. 



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