Chapter 1

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Jessica entered the mansion and smiled as a golden retriever came rushing towards her. "Hey Maxy, where are the boys?" she asked as she ran her fingers through his fur. He barked and started off down the hallway. Jessica stood and took a deep breath to help calm her nerves before following him.

She pushed the back office/meeting room door open and entered, "Hey Jess," the nine male voices filled the room as she came over to the table.

"What are you doing here?" Her only biological brother asked as he stood, pushing his black rimmed glasses back over his green eyes as he came over and hugged her. "We weren't expecting you today."

"I got some news that I needed to show you," she admitted as she pulled away from his hug.

"What's wrong?" a deep commanding voice asked. She turned and bit her lip as she looked into the steel grey eyes of the leader of the group, Owen Blackbourne. He stood, adjusted his tie and removed his black rimmed glasses to clean them before sliding them back on.

"Well, I don't know how you will take the news, honestly," she said as she pushed her long straight brown hair behind her hair. "I kind of hid some information from all of you but I can't hide it anymore."

"What?" North asked as turned his dark brown eyes onto her and frowned. He hated when someone lied or had secrets. He turned his snake bite piercings and huffed in annoyance.

"I was trying to protect you until I knew all the information," she admitted, "I'm sorry North, but I was just looking out for you. I knew once you knew you would have questions and I wanted to get all the information and answers for you before I came and told you."

"Are you hurt?" North asked sighing as he understood what she was saying.

"In my heart but not physically," she shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked curiously as he pushed his blonde hair behind his ears. "Do you need some candy?"

Jessica smirked and shook her head, "No thanks Luke."

"Candy doesn't solve everything, Lucian," North growled as his completely opposite brother.

Jessica smiled as she looked at the half brothers. Where North could be somewhat classified as a goth with his muscular body and black pants and black shirt, almost black hair and dark brown eyes with lip piercings on each side of his bottom lip, otherwise known as snake bite piercings, Lucian, was the opposite. Lucian, aka Luke, had a surfer body, blonde hair to his shoulders, and resembled a model in some aspects. The only similarity Jessica could see was that both brothers had brown eyes. North was a grumpy and Luke was full of energy and so mischievous. North was a health freak while Luke was constantly eating sweets of some sort.

"It could help right now," Luke pouted, "won't know until I ask."

"Anyway," Jessica sighed, "It will involve the Toma team as well."

"I'll call them," Victor said as he pulled out his phone. Jess watched as the infamous pianist stepped to the side and started talking, she knew his brown eyes were burning with curiosity on what could possibly involve all fourteen of the men. But knowing him, he would refrain from jumping to conclusions until she told them everything, he was sensible like that. He hung up the phone and sat back down, "Axel said they will head out here immediately."

"Is there anything you can tell us?" Kota asked his younger sister.

"I have two things to show you," she admitted as Max placed his head in her lap. "And it will very possibly upset all of you just as much as it hurt me."

"You can't tell us anything else?" Nathan asked running his fingers through his red hair.

She shook her head, "it's best I just say it once when everyone is here so I don't have to repeat it."

"Are you okay?" Silas asked as he watched her closely.

"Yeah," she nodded, "I'm more nervous how you are going to handle it actually." She sighed, "I've been participating in everything and it's been hurting that I've had to hide it from you but I'm caught in the middle of everything. I just..." she sighed, stood and sat in his lap, inhaling his ocean scent. Even though she was a grown woman, there was just something about Silas that was so comforting. He was a big old teddy bear. "I just couldn't and wouldn't hide it anymore after I found something out last night. I just hope you aren't too upset with me."

"We aren't mad you, Sis," Kota shook his head. "You said you were trying to protect us. We understand and appreciate it, promise."

"Thank you Bubba," She smiled as she leaned over and hugged him.

"Hey Guys, what's going on?" Axel asked as he pushed his braid with a feather attached over his shoulder. Jessica loved how Axel just had this knack of incorporating his Native American heritage into almost everything he did.

"Yeah, what's up?" Corey and Brandon asked at the same time. The only way she could tell the identical twins apart at times were what color shirts they were wearing. Corey usually wore something yellow or with super heroes on his shirt and Brandon wore red. Other than that, she couldn't tell them apart with their blue eyes and blonde hair. Although, here lately, Brandon's eyes were sadder than Corey's but she put that off because Brandon was the one to take the responsibility of what happened five years ago and refused to listen to anyone on not taking it and not attempting to move on, much like North.

"Da, who I kill?" Raven asked in his broken English, "I professional Russian."

"You aren't killing anyone Raven," Marc asked rolling his heterochromia eyes. Even after all these years, his one blue eye and one green eye still captivated her, as was his amazing talent for creating his own coffee brand, it was simply perfect.

"Nyet know," Raven growled as he plopped down in a chair. "Who I kill, Jess?"

"No one," Jessica shook her head.

"Fine," he sighed heavily. She could have sworn he was pouting now.

"Alright, we are all here, Miss Lee," Owen said straightening his tie, "please explain the reason for this group meeting."

"As I said earlier, I've been hiding something from all of you—"

"What?" Raven asked looking at her shocked.

"It was only until I knew everything," she tried to explain, "I knew you would have questions."

"Listen to her, Raven," Corey sighed.

"I received this last month," she said nervously as she opened her purse and pulled out an envelope. "And yes, I went."

She opened it and sat a white card on the table then pushed it to the center. The men stood and looked down. There blaring back at them in gold calligraphy were the words, You are invited to the bridal shower of Angel Maria Gomez.

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