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Quinton: I will open, go upstairs to the kids.
Me: (nods)

He pecks my lips and I go upstairs to my Triplets. The rest of the family didn’t want cook so they bought KFC & Some pizzas from Debonairs, Pizza Hub & Some Chicken Licken. I also had to stay in my room whilst they stayed downstairs. I was only allowed to go out after an hour for my babies sake.



Q opens the door and lets himself in. He joins me on the bed

Quinton: you hungry
Me: (pouts whilst looking at him) yes I am.

He kisses my pouted lips.

Quinton: lets go downstairs, Mama Millie is gonna check on them but we can have the baby monitor on us just in case she is busy with something
Me: okay baby

I grab the baby monitor and head out. I go down the stairs first and Q follows. The kids were ready downstairs, watching a movie

Njabulo: iMama…
Me: (giggles) hi Mama Gio… hi Everyone…

I look around and my eyes meet the other brothers who wanted nothing good to happen with Q and My relationship

Me: mhh….
Ma: you look so fresh baby… mhh you look Good, Quinton is even glowing
Me: if only you knew (looks at him) what I do to him to make him this happy (winks)
Steven: (clears throat)

We look up

Steven: hayii, my new grandkids ?
Me: (giggles)but you saw them when they were born…
Steven: (folds arms and shakes head)
Gia: I don’t know them know, can I see the..
Quinton: okay so… lets eat first and then you can go see the babies okay ?
Tevin: Fine… but no excuses afterwards.

I sit down and we start eating. There was conversations here and there but the other brothers were so quiet. I didn’t want anything to do with them because firstly, They hate my man for no reason and secondly, their apologies were not that sincere, they just apologized to pleasure themselves.


Me  oop. I’ll be back
Richard: come with him or her.
Me: Kay Kay.

I get up and go attend to my baby. It was Rosso, he slept earlier than them so I understood why he woke up. He was hungry.

Me: hi baby.
Rosso: (sucking on hand)

I let my boobie out and breastfeed him. After sometime, I go downstairs carrying him and Steven stands up.

Steven: finally

I give him to him

Steven: (smiles) He looks like Christian…

There is silence…

Richard: he’s a twin so… I’m guessing he looks like his father.
Lion: hmm…
Quinton: He looks nothing like him, and he will never look like him.
Sergio: Calm down…
Quinton: huh ?

Q looks at Sergio

Quinton: Wena since uShada (you got married) you are forgetting that you’re the last bitch out of all of us here and I’m older than you, I will repeat history and this time you will be in a Coma for 4 months, not 2.

Quinton gets up

Lion: Stop being Petty

Q looks at him.

Quinton: say it to my face and stop whispering like a Puta.

Lion gets up and goes to him. Q was actually bigger than Lion in Size but They did look alike.

Me: Stop It.

They look each other in the eyes and Q punches Lion and he lands on the floor.

Steven gives Ma baby Rosso and both her and Promise leave the room.


The whole gang is now fighting and the girls are still sitting down

Me: Fuck fuck fuck !!!!

I go upstairs and grab my glock’, I head downstairs and point it by the door.


Baby Rosso Crying
Ma: sorry baby… im sorry… shhh shh shh

I look at them

Me: I have had enough of these stupid fights. You are fighting in my house. Look at the kitchen now. It’s dirty (yells) blood Everywhere and it’s all because of your stupid fight. FUCK MAAN… Look what you made me do…

I place the gun down.

Me: (Cries) I hate it here man..

I walk away and head upstairs to my room, closing the door on my way in and going to the bathroom. I lock the door and sit on the floor.

Me: (sobbing) I hate being part of this family. I cry everyday and stay happy for a short period of time… Njani ?? Like How God ??  How ??


..: Nandi, please open (knock) Nandi..
Me: (wipes tears)

I get up and look myself in the mirror. I unlock the door and l open it.

Me: (voice breaking) what ?
Quinton: I’m sorry…
Me: (covers face) (crying)

He hugs me. As much as I had made peace that the brothers won’t get along, It also leave my heart broken because their fights interfere with our lives and also break my heart. I’ve never seen the other brothers smile, in a genuine way, they are always frowning and mad at each other.


Q helps me calm down the twins and they eventually sleep, The twins and Sbahle were not around during the argument and I’m so grateful for that because they are not allowed to see such at their young age. I decide to rest my head in the room for a while.


Sbahle: Mama…
Me: mhh (smiles)
Sbahle: Uncle Singa brought Me and the twins Doritos and Jelly Babies.
Me: oh… let me see

He gets up and grabs them. He bought all of them Cheese Doritos and Jelly Babies. They all looked very happy.

Me: ncoah. Did you say thank you ?
Sbahle: (nods) He hugged us.
Me: ohh, Nefi…
Nefi: (smiles) Mama, Sisi Baba
Me: huh ?

She points by the door and I look

…: uhmm (clears throat) Can I get in ?
Me: yeah, (clears throat) Sure.

He gets in.

Lion: uhm, I came to sincerely apologize to you for what I’ve put your little family through..

He sits down

Lion: Its not easy man.

I look at him.

Lion: Nandi… he’s my older brother, we are twins. He is supposed go stand by my side and not switch up. I needed him (Voice breaking) I needed him as much as he needed someone to understand him and the situation he was put in…


Quinton: I told you to stay…
Lion: I know…
Quinton: you had a choice
Lion: and I made my choice, I know… I know (looks down)
Me: Q… Christian…calm down.

They both look at me.

Me: Please don’t fight infront of the kids.
Quinton: (nods)

They decide to go out.

Me: Bahle, Nefi, Titi… please don’t make a noise okay ?
Them: Okay.
Me: Mama and Baba love you so much my babies…

I kiss Nefi on her cute little lips and Sbahle and Titi on their cheeks. They were getting too big for me. I leave afterwards, heading towards where the Big Twins said they would go.


I stop by the door.

Quinton: I… I asked you many times. I would even call you regarding Therapy…
Quinton: I know… it also didn’t work on me… I. (Looks Away) Lion I abused Nandipha…
Lion: You WHAT !!!
Quinton: She was here… Samkelo
Lion: (folds arms) I figured. You get triggered when you see her…

He starts telling Lion The story. He cried in between most parts.

Me: (wipes tears)

I listen again

Quinton: She makes me happy, you don’t even understand how Much her presence makes my heart beat fast.
Lion: I see, that’s why I hated it.
Quinton: is that so…
Lion: How come I never met a woman like her
Quinton: You will, I’m giving you some time. It was happen, plus I heard that you’re gay…
Lion: What !!! Hell no, As a Ruler man

They start laughing…

Me: (smiles)
Quinton: (speaks in Italian)
Lion: (laughs) (Speaks in Italian)
Quinton: (Speaks in Italian)

I fold my arms. How can they decide to speak Italian when I am listening. I walk in and they both look at me.

Me: don’t look at me like that… You two can see that I am listening to your conversation and then You Magically Switch to Italian…
Lion: (speaks Italian)
Me: Singathwa, please. I can’t hear what you are saying
Lion: (laughs)

Quinton stands behind me and kisses my cheek. He hugs me from behind

Lion: hayii ngeke. You can’t stand like that infront of me. Ngoba I don’t have a woman ?
Me: aren’t you Gay.

Quinton laughs

Lion: haa uyabona…

Sergio & Richard enter laughing

Richard: didn’t I tell you, My Boy.
Sergio: Who told people that…
Lion: Mxm… Where is the alcohol is this house

He walks out. Richard and Sergio were so dead. They laughed out loud, hitting each other on the shoulders, pointing at him. I turn to Quinton

Me: I love you.
Quinton: (breathes out) I love you more baby. At least our plan worked. Yours and Rosso's tears got them
Me: (smiles)

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