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I wake up and my mom is looking at me.

Me: Ma ??
Mom: lets go tuu.
Me: Kuphi ?
Mom: let him explain.
Me: explain what ? That he is a Cheater. No thank you. I already know that.
Mom: what if you are…
Me: ma ??
Mom: okay, Let’s go and hear him out and come back, deal.

I look at her.

Me: fine.


Quinton got home and locked himself in his room. No Nandi. No kids. Just himself and ran upstairs.

Gia: this is bad. This is so bad.
Njabulo: tell me about it.

There is a knock on the door and Gogo walks in.

Gogo: where is he ??
Me: upstairs….
Gogo: Ngena Nandipha.

She walks in wearing a striped dress with slippers, whilst carrying Nefi. Sbahle walks in and Ntando walks in carrying Thingo


Phone Beeping

I look and it’s a message from an unknown number.

Come outside, I can explain

I head out with nefi in my hands and there is someone sitting outside.

Me: hello ??

She looks by me and gets up

Me: Gia ??
…: Mia… Miaandy. Gia's twin sister.
Me: uhh ?? What !!
Mia: I was the girl on the phone, Bahle was asking for my help about something very important.
Me: (breathes out) more important than his family, and he didn’t communicate. How should I know.
Mia: you really are stubborn…

She gets up and comes to me.

Mia: Hi Twin (talking to Nefi)
Nefi: (pouts)

I look at Mia

Mia: lets go ke.
Me: where ?

She walks away

Mia: follow me.

I follow her behind the house

Mia: bro…

I see Quinton sitting on a chair, playing with something on his hand

Mia: Q !!

She goes to him and I just stand there. Q had a tendency if zoning out and I bet it was happening right now.

Me: (rolls eyes)
…: ohh you found them.

I turn around and its Gia.

Me: you didn’t tell me you had a twin.
Gia: (chuckles) I didn’t think she was gonna come back after our fight.
Me: mhh…
Gia: here comes Q, let me go…

She leave and I turn back, with Q heading towards me.

Quinton: I didn’t cheat. I would never cheat…
Me: why didn’t you tell me that Gia is a Twin.

He looks at me

Quinton: I thought Gia told you…
Nefi: Sisi (Points at Mia)… Mama…

I place her down and she walks towards Mia who was cheering on her, whilst clapping her hands.

Quinton: Baby…

I fold my arms.

Me: Bahle.

He looks at Me.

Quinton: I guess you are mad, since you are calling me by my 2nd name.
Me: Spill.
Quinton: can I explain after showing you something.
Me: what ??

He lets out his hand and someone covers my eyes with a cloth. we start walking and after sometime, we stop.

Me: uhh ??
Mia: you ready ?
Me: I guess…

The cloth is removed from my eyes and I open them.

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