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We are settling better back home. I now work at Avon and sell cosmetics to people who order.

Nefi: Mama, Nca nca (Bottle)
Me: okay Nana.

I give her her bottle and she walks away. Both twins could walk and talk now. Thingo was so Quiet and it usually bothered me because I think there is something wrong. Sbahle has been asking about the whereabouts of his father but I tell him he is at work, I don’t want him to hate his father for ditching them at a young age.

Mom: hey wena shorty
Thingo: (clicks tongue)
Me: yini manje ?
Mom: he took my Sausage.
Dad: (laughs) Yah neh, uyahlupha lo.
Me: thingo !!

He turns around, eating the sausage.

Me: busela (give it back)
Thingo: (shakes head)
Me: thingo !!!

He walks away

Me: (sighs) Mama, I’ll make you another one.
Mom: no it’s fine, I still have one.

Nefi appears

Nefi: cela ? (can I please have)

We all laugh, it’s like she saw her brother and wanted one too.

Me: haa nefi !
Nefi: (pouts)
Mom: thatha !

They give her

Nefi: danti (thank you)
Mom: (smiles)
Gogo: both her and sbahle are kind, Thingo yho.
Me: ha ma.
Mom: Fuze uYihlo (just like his father)
Me: no, Thingo is just… different that’s all. Phela there is an evil and nice twin.
Mom: so Thingo is the evil twin right.
Me: no. (Folds arms) I didn’t say that
Dad: technically.
Me: anyways, I’m taking the kids out.
Mom: with Mondli ??
Gogo: Mondli ??
Me: he’s a friend mom.
Dad: okay, where ??
Me: Mc Donald’s. To Chill.
Mom: he wants you or niyajola ??
Me: we are chilling Ma.
Gogo: I have to call Quinton.
Me: Ha Gogo it’s not like he would have a problem. We are not together anymore.
Gogo: ngizom’tchela.

She picks up the phone.

Me: let me go. Twins ? Sbahle ?? Let’s go Babies.

Mondli knocks and I open for him

Mondli: San'bonani.
Mom/Dad: Yebo.

I look at Gogo who was giving him the meanest look ever

Me: Let us go.

Sbahle grabs the baby bag and Mondli carries Thingo whilst I carry Nefi and hold Sbahles Hand. We enter his Mercedes Benz C-class and go.

Mondli: unjani ?
Me: all good, just hungry since I starved myself for this.
Mondli: don’t worry (chuckles) I’ll feed you.

I look at him and he winks. The twins were watching sbahle play his game on the tablet. The music plays whilst we talk.


Me: Mom where is everyone ??
Ma: (shrugs)
Me: haibo, Floyd, Dad, Andrè and Richard can’t have disappeared like that.
Njabulo: Quinton is missing.
Me: what !!!

I grab my phone and call Floyd. He answers after the 3rd ring.

Me: Baby??.
Floyd: we are looking for Q, he’s nowhere to be seen.
Me: what do you mean, wasn’t he here yesterday ??
Floyd: we are tracking his location. He seems to be at Mozambique.
Me: Mozambique... Hell no. How did he end up there ??
Floyd: the only people that live in Moz is..
Me: Girardi… NO.
Floyd: Baby I’ll call you later
Me: be safe tuu.
Floyd: I will, I love you. bye.

He hangs up.

Njabulo: what did they say.
Me: Girardi, they are on their way Moz. Quinton might be kidnapped
Mom: mhh.
Me: Mama…
Mom: yini…
Me: you cant be mad at him forever. He made a mistake.
Mom: (sighs) He always makes mistakes. The same mistake. Nandi is stubborn, she will never take him back.
Me: what do you mean.
Njabulo: yeah, what’s going on ??
Mom: Remember when Quinton and Nandi Separated…
Me/Njabulo: yeah…


Mom: Quinton received a message from Gerald Girardi, who is Victoria’s Father, that he is coming for Nandi and the kids. Quinton broke up with her so she can leave, with the kids. The Full custody documents you sent to her house, Was for if Quinton wasn’t going to survive when he goes to the Girardi’s and settles things. He was scared to tell Nandi because for the 1st time, Quinton has a Weakness that his enemies seem to know about and would do anything to get to him, through going after them.
Me: mom… what do you mean ??
Mom: Nana, Quinton might die today. He sent Your dad a voice recording about everything. (Breaks down)
Njabulo: (breathes heavily) Ma…
Mom: (cries) My son is gonna die and I’m here, praying anf praying for him to be safe

We hug her. She was holding Quinton’s engagement ring that Nandi bought for him.

Me: (Looks at Njabulo)
Njabulo: (whispers) call Nandi…

I grab her phone and call her.

Me: answer Nandi…

Hi, this is Nandi R. I’m not available right now so please leave your na…

Me: arghhh !

I Attempt to call her but it does not go through.


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