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We arrive home and I just wanna go and sleep. Tomorrow we were going to the river to get cleansed because we just killed people. We don’t want any bad spirits haunting us. We want to be clean.

Tevin: Boy, come here.

I stop and turn around. I walk up to him

Me: uncle ??

Tevin: who is this Nandi you are talking about ?

I look away.

Me: My wife.

Tevin: where is she ?

Me: I don’t know where she is, dad told her some stuff so she can back away from us because of the 2 sisters that wanted to kill us.

Tevin: (nods) should I help you find her.

Me: really ??

Tevin: (nods) I can.

Me: Please…

Tevin: okay, but before she can come here, we need to make sure that the Girardi family is not gonna target us after finding out that their daughters are dead.

Me: Victoria got married to me for my money, she deserved to die. She was just lucky that her dad knew dad so they agreed to this stupid arranged marriage

Tevin: it was dumb, so I’m gonna leave with Sbahle for safety and come back after leaving him with my wife so we can go to the river tomorrow morning before sunrise.

Me: (nods)

I hug him.

Me: thanks uncle T.

Tevin: I got you son. We will find Nandi, I promise.

I walk away and start packing Sbahle’s Bags. After sometime,  my uncle appears.

Tevin: ready ??

Me: (nods)

I kneel down and hold my sons hand.

Me: Boy, you are going to visit your aunty For a few days neh.

Sbahle: dlala ??

Me: Yah. You are going to play with you cousins okay boy.

Sbahle: hamba nami ?

Me: you are going with uncle tevin, I am going to follow you neh.

Sbahle: (nods)

Me: how old are you now ??

Sbahle: 5.

Me: 4 ??

Sbahle: 5

Me: I heard 3. You are 3 ??

Sbahle: (laughs) NO baba, 5.

Me: 15 ?

He laughs out loud.

Me: (smiles) how old ??

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