I triple dog dare you!

Start from the beginning

Scarlett: I doubt that anyone would want me to win, as I haven't exactly been the nicest camper, but hey, I was playing the game the only way I knew how

Heather: sure eight weeks with these losers is cause for insanity, but at least now the mothership knows where Gwen is now so they can retrieve her! And the library can drag Scarlett back into a cage made of books where she belongs, and green piece can bag and tag Owen as the hazardous waste that he is!

Owen: But all of the all you can eat pancakes in the world, wouldn't be special without friends to share them with!!!

Scarlett: Sure, Owen's incredible luck has gotten him this far, but his ability not to be disgusted by anything put in his mouth, edible or not that really worries me!

Owen: *Holds up toilet seat* You ever noticed how much a toilet seat looks like a pancake? *Licks it*

Heather: -and LAZY! Ugh! Sloths could take a queue from Slow-en

Owen: *The toilet seat now has a bite taken out of it* Haha, I should probably spit this out! *Falls asleep*

Heather: Thankfully, Gwen has no strengths! She's just a low read gutter punk with dragon breath and ugly hair!

Gwen: Heather's strength is obviously her bottomless pit of mean!-

Scarlett: -I'm banking on her massive ego to be her downfall

Owen: *Still asleep*

Heather: Scarlett's biggest and may I even say only strength is that she's smart! But that ain't gonna cut it if it's an eating challenge boo *Smirks*

Scarlett: I'm desperately hoping that this challenge won't involve anything gross. A trivia would be nice.


We went to the ampitheatre and sat down at some seats.

"Campers, welcome to the semi finals! The producers ran out of insane ways to torture you, so they asked the ousted contestants for ideas. Turns out they had a lot. They provided us with the sickest, most twisted, insane dares! In TDI's version of, spin the bottle!" Chris said, spinning a bottle shaped spinner on a wheel with eliminated contestants pictures on it.

"Starting with, Izzy, Trent, Cody, Justin, Alex, Noah, LeShawna, Lindsay, Beth, Tyler, Harold, Geoff, Bridgette, Duncan, Courtney, Eva, Katie and Sadie, and, the home schooled misogynistic country boy Ezekiel!"

"Put them all together, and we've got a high stakes game of I triple dog dare you!" Chris finished.

"What is this, grade five? Why don't we just do seven minutes of heaven in a skanky basement closet?" Heather scoffed

"Yeah! Good call! Let's do it!" Owen cheered. Heather slapped him.

"Each player will take turns spinning the bottle. The camper you land on determines the dare you'll perform. You can take the dare yourself and earn a get-out-of-dare freebie, or inflict the dare on a fellow camper in hopes of booting them out!"

"And if we refuse the dare?" Heather asked

"Ooooooooooo, not a good option!" Chris informed her "Anyone who chickens out of their dare will be sent directly to the dock of shame, board the boat of losers, do not go to bonfire, do not collect marshmallow, and do not get to win one hundred thousand dollars. Okay, who's ready to humiliate themselves first?".

There was an awkward silence. I sighed and stood up.

"Might as well get this over with" I said.

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Chris cheered. I thought of who would give the weakest dares, before calculating the proper speed to spin the bottle.

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